Plants - Drugs Mind - Spirit Freedom - Law Arts - Culture Library  
New, Vintage, and Signed Blotter Art
Contribute $50 or more and get a piece of displayable
blotter art. These look great framed on the wall !
What's New at Erowid
Jan 01 2003 to Dec 31 2003
Wed Dec 31, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 30, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Culture and the Individual
CULTURE : Characters : Shakespeare and Religion
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 29, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Al Hubbard
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ecstasy Testing Kit FAQ
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 27, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : matheus scalon
Culture : Art : Image : matheus scalon : the hole
Culture : Art : Image : peter eglington : galactic mandala 1
Culture : Art : Image : peter eglington : galactic mandala 2
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 26, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : enola nataz
Culture : Art : Image : enola nataz : mind twister
Culture : Art : Image : malaclypse anarconym : hug a rainbow
Culture : Art : Image : ryan laughlin : third person perspective
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 25, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : sephiroth turek
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : joe nash
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : dianne lawrence
Culture : Art : Image : joe nash : biotron
Culture : Art : Image : dianne lawrence : descending into still mind
Culture : Art : Image : sephiroth turek : mindscape
Wed Dec 24, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : mathew crane : well, i never
Culture : Art : Image : brandon shockey : falling exuberance
Culture : Art : Image : cody seekins : lessons of the butterflies
Tue Dec 23, 2003 #
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Sinicuichi : Fixes, Edits, Changes to Sinicuichi FAQ
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 22, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Abbie Hoffman
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 21, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Roger Heim
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 19, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Jochen Gartz
CULTURE : Characters : Rick Strassman
CULTURE : Characters : Stephen Gaskin : Church Group Swaps Views with Gaskin's
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Appended Sealed Calypsol Ketamine Bottle
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 18, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Jerry Garcia
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 17, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : laurence caruana
Culture : Art : Artists Exhibition : nemo boko
Culture : Art : Image : laurence caruana : devil detail from the pearl
Culture : Art : Image : nemo boko : mayan castle
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 16, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : bob wuest
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : peter eglington
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : mind fossil
Culture : Art : Image : bob wuest : shagrin crescent
Culture : Art : Image : peter eglington : bodhisattva vow
Culture : Art : Image : peter eglington : initiation
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 15, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-T-4 Vault
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Ayahuasca Healing Sessions
CHEMICALS : Peyote : Mescal: A New Artificial Paradise
CULTURE : Characters : Havelock Ellis
GENERAL : Whats New : Techie Only : RSS Feed of What's New for Erowid
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 14, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : LSD Pharmacological Interactions
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 13, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Sidney Cohen
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 12, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 11, 2003 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : Pleasing Obliteration (Dec 2003)
CULTURE : Characters : Myron Stolaroff
PHARMS : Amineptine : Law Vault
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 10, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2CI : European Commission (EMCDDA) April 2003 Risk Assessment for 2C-I
CHEMICALS : Law : EU Commission Tells Member States to Control 2C-I, 2C-T-2, 2C-T-7, TMA-2
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : michael brown
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : is this what I am ?
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : all for you
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : you and i
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : limits
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : om mani padme hum
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : the three jewels
Culture : Art : Image : michael brown : the cosmic womb
CULTURE : Characters : Nicholas Saunders
CULTURE : Characters : Paul Stamets
GENERAL : Conferences : Society for Neuroscience (2003) : Social Issues Roundtable
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : 2CI : Law : Denmark and Greece control 2C-I
Tue Dec 9, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : carey thompson
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : mark beebe
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : aaron speck
Culture : Art : Image : mark beebe : there's a solar system in my garden
Culture : Art : Image : carey thompson : diosa madre tierra
Culture : Art : Image : carey thompson : kundalini
Culture : Art : Image : carey thompson : gaia
Culture : Art : Image : carey thompson : omnicentricity
Culture : Art : Image : mark beebe : cosmic cavity
CULTURE : Characters : Charles Baudelaire
CULTURE : Characters : Charles Baudelaire : The Poem of Hashish
New Experience Reports
Mon Dec 8, 2003 #
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Ricaurte-Error News Updates
New Experience Reports
Sun Dec 7, 2003 #
Ran Psychoactive Mushroom Table at the MSSF Fungus Fair
New Experience Reports
Sat Dec 6, 2003 #
Ran Psychoactive Mushroom Table at the MSSF Fungus Fair
New Experience Reports
Fri Dec 5, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Dec 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Dec 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Dec 2, 2003 #
CULTURE : ART : Major Overhaul of the Visionary Art Vaults
Mon Dec 1, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : TFMPP : TFMPP: An Entheogenic Entactogen
CULTURE : ART : Featured Artist : December : heidi anderson
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 30, 2003 #
GENERAL : Newsletter : Erowid Extracts 5 Index
Fri Nov 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 26, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 25, 2003 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : Addicted to Everything
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 24, 2003 #
CULTURE : Intentional Communities
LIBRARY : Books : Community Building
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 23, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Medicinal Plants
LIBRARY : Books : Prescription Pot
New Experience Reports
Sat Nov 22, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs and Human Behavior
LIBRARY : Books : The Alchemy of Love and Lust
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 21, 2003 # - New Pill Testing Results (6)
HERBS : Aloes : Law
HERBS : Anise : Law
HERBS : Damiana : Law
PLANTS : Cacahuaxochitl : Law
PLANTS : Cacao : Law
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Tea made with fresh P. cyanescens
New Experience Reports
Thu Nov 20, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Textbook of Psychopharmacology
LIBRARY : Books : Pharmacology : Sexual Pharmacology
PLANTS : Betel : Law
PLANTS : Mandrake : Law
PLANTS : Passion Flower : Law
PLANTS : Yohimbe : Law
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 19, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : This Is It
LIBRARY : Books : The Beyond Within
PLANTS : Anadenanthera : Law
PLANTS : Ergot : Law
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 16, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Opium Poppy Garden
LIBRARY : Books : Plant Alchemy
LIBRARY : Books : The Witch's Garden
Ask Erowid : What can you tell me about Focalin?
Ask Erowid : Does Mekong Whiskey contain Amphetamine?
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 14, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Peyote and Magic Mushrooms
LIBRARY : Books : Dictionary of Aphrodisiacs
LIBRARY : Books : The Devil's Garden
New Experience Reports
Thu Nov 13, 2003 #
HERBS : Hemlock Vault
LIBRARY : Books : Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary
New Experience Reports
Tue Nov 11, 2003 #
HERBS : Mugwort Vault
HERBS : Hops Vault
SPIRIT : Sweating Vault
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 10, 2003 #
SPIRIT : Christianity : Pentecostalism
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 9, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Nov 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Nov 7, 2003 #
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Oral Ingestion : Alcohol Preparation
New Experience Reports
Thu Nov 6, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Nov 5, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Nov 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Nov 2, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : LSD: The Age of Mind
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Monographs and Essays 2
LIBRARY : Books : Poppies
New Experience Reports
Sat Nov 1, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Healing Forest
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 30, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Visionary Vine
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 29, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2-Aminoindan
CHEMICALS : 2-Aminoindan : Journal References
CULTURE : Characters : Betty Eisner
CULTURE : Characters : Dale Pendell
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 28, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Writing on Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : The Pursuit of Oblivion
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 27, 2003 #
GENERAL : Newsletter : Erowid Extracts 4 Index
CHEMICALS : Nitrous Oxide : The Subjective Effects of Nitrous Oxide, by William James
CULTURE : ART : Boundaries in Question: Examining Visionary Art
PSYCHOACTIVES : History : Psychoactives in History
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 23, 2003 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : Desiccant and the Storage of Chemicals
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 21, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : MDMA : 9 new ecstasy tablet images
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 20, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 19, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 18, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 15, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 14, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Oct 12, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 10, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 9, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Oct 7, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Oct 6, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : AMT : Death : List of AMT-related Deaths Reported to Erowid
New Experience Reports
Sat Oct 4, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Absinthe : Selling Absinthe on Ebay - A Mystery
New Experience Reports
Fri Oct 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Oct 2, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Oct 1, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Barbiturates : Image : Phenobarbital Tablets
CHEMICALS : Barbiturates : Image : Phenobarbital Tablets
FREEDOM : LAW : Forfeiture : Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000
Tue Sep 30, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 29, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jory gaunce
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : superior order
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : stardust starman atoms us
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : metamorphosis
Culture : Art : Image : jory gaunce : breath-vessel every atom that belongs to you belongs to me
Culture : Art : Image : mike grrflump : magic explosion
Culture : Art : Image : guillermo cuevas : self portrait
Culture : Art : Image : crypt the-mad : creation
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Sep 27, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 26, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 25, 2003 #
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Notes about Rohypnol Products
PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : Countries : New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Act
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 24, 2003 #
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Image : Front and Back of Green Rohypnol Tablet
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Image : Japanese Rohypnol 2mg and 1mg White Tablets
PHARMS : Methylphenidate : Image : 20mg Ritalin (Methylphenidate) Capsules
Tue Sep 23, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Chemistry : Synthesis Problems in Converting DXM to DXO
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 22, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : mike grrflump : doodlenegative
Culture : Art : Image : ryan ludwig : molasses
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 21, 2003 #
Erowid Extracts #3 Index
ANIMALS : Blackwidow : Image : Black Widow
ANIMALS : Blackwidow : Image : Black Widow Spider
ANIMALS : Blackwidow : Image : Black Widow Killing Mantis
ANIMALS : Blackwidow : Image : Black Widow Killing Mantis
ANIMALS : Toads : Image : 2 Bufo Alvarius Toads
Fri Sep 19, 2003 #
Erowid Extracts #2 Index
CHEMICALS : MDA : Re-examining MDA Duration
CULTURE : Characters : Andrew Weil : An Interview with Andrew Weil (Excerpt)
CULTURE : Characters : Ken Kesey : Obituary
CULTURE : Information Theory : Data Points in the Void
GENERAL : Conferences : Face to Face with NIDA
GENERAL : Mentions : Erowid Response to the New England Journal of Medicine
PLANTS : Cannabis : Mouth-Smoking Cannabis
PLANTS : Psychoactive Amanitas : Myth Debunking: Amanita muscaria and Liver Damage
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : Meme Cultivation: Good Drugs / Bad Drugs
PSYCHOACTIVES : Basics : Label Psychedelics Carefully
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 18, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Legalization, A Debate
PHARMS : Dimenhydrinate : Journal References
PHARMS : Flunitrazepam : Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) Timeline
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 16, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : nikosxyl xyl : bio 2
Culture : Art : Image : nikosxyl xyl : bio 1
Culture : Art : Image : evilelement cromwell : loss of reality
FREEDOM : Courts : Decisions Privacy : Illinois Supreme Court Invalidates Dog Sniffing at Traffic Stops without Cause
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 14, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 11, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Ketamine Bottle
CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Image : Ketamine Bottle
LIBRARY : Books : The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Valium
Experience : 'Meeting Gaia via Psilohuasca' by Pala ( Mushrooms and Syrian Rue )
New Experience Reports
Wed Sep 10, 2003 #
COLUMNS : Scotto : eScottology August : A Story I Often Tell
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Monographs and Essays 4
LIBRARY : Books : Plants in Garden History
LIBRARY : Books : Amazing Dope Tales
LIBRARY : Books : Dock Ellis In the Country of Baseball
LIBRARY : Books : Brainchild
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelika
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 8, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : collin feigle : crazieness
Culture : Art : Image : d arthur : moon baby
Culture : Art : Image : knarkorven : new wave
New Experience Reports
Sun Sep 7, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Sep 6, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Sep 5, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Sep 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Sep 2, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Sep 1, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : brendan gee : electrified organics
Culture : Art : Image : dr paradise : yin yang
Culture : Art : Image : dr paradise : mogen david
Culture : Art : Image : misterkeith a : the wait
Sat Aug 30, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 27, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : blueman
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : blueman 1
Culture : Art : Image : adam pinson : blueman 3
Culture : Art : Image : ryan c : daphadilus r ryan
Culture : Art : Image : ralph manis : space maiden
Culture : Art : Image : nsy azbill : cant be named
Culture : Art : Image : marcus kamps : mindcircuit
Culture : Art : Image : jason manning : the scarab
Culture : Art : Image : ryan laughlin : self portrait
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 26, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 25, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 24, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2-aminoindan : Basics
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-AMT : Basics
Sat Aug 23, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-I : Basics
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 22, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 21, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 20, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 17, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 16, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 12, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : eclipsedman livingston : insect king
Culture : Art : Image : sean jmaeff : the digital quandry
Culture : Art : Image : julian propsting : whats your pleasure
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : i lose myself when you're inside me
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 11, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Aug 10, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Aug 9, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Shulgins : A Visit with Ann and Sasha Shulgin
Fri Aug 8, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Book Reviews : Review of Psychoactive Sacramentals by CB
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : AMT : Law : AMT now on schedule 8 of Australia's import control list
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : BZP : Law : BZP now on strictest control list in Australia
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Methaqualone : Basics : Edits and Clarifications
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : TFMPP : Law : TFMPP now on strictest control list in Australia
New Experience Reports
Thu Aug 7, 2003 #
LANG : French : Characters : Projet de réhabilitation par la Psilocybine à la prison Concord
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Conservation des Champignons
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Histoire des Champignons Psilocybins
LANG : French : Mushrooms : FAQ Humidification par la Perlite
LANG : French : Mushrooms : María Sabina : Sainte Mère des Champignons Sacrés
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Les nombreux noms des champignons
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Histoire des Champignons Psilocybes
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Conservation au CO2
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Psilocybine et chaleur
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Le premier voyage de Wasson
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Technique Seringue du Psilonaute
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Recettes aux Champignons
New Experience Reports
Wed Aug 6, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Aug 5, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Aug 4, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : perceptor afonsky : colourix
Culture : Art : Image : perceptor afonsky : truth
Culture : Art : Image : luis campos : loose
Culture : Art : Image : luis campos : subconscious
Culture : Art : Image : luis campos : 3am
Culture : Art : Image : luis campos : pyramids
Culture : Art : Image : perceptor afonsky : humanform
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Zolpidem : General info and links added
New Experience Reports
Fri Aug 1, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 31, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : petrus boots
Culture : Art : Image : petrus boots : reunion bridging reality
Culture : Art : Image : petrus boots : mandala
Culture : Art : Image : petrus boots : hamonious convergence
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 30, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : collin feigle : rainbow hoffmann
Culture : Art : Image : collin feigle : the last drop
Culture : Art : Image : eclipsedman livingston : a look inward
Culture : Art : Image : eclipsedman livingston : a look inward 2
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 29, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : soriam : earth monster
Culture : Art : Image : crypt the-mad : an odd reflection
Culture : Art : Image : james ransom : artists student
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 28, 2003 #
COLUMNS : eScottology : July : Dionysian Guilt
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass DMT Pipe with Quarter
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Image : Glass DMT Pipe with Water Filtration
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : 2C-T-7 : Off-site link added
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 25, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 23, 2003 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Families : Dialogs : 'Leading really different lives...'
PSYCHOACTIVES : Families : Dialogs : 'So I gave him MDMA and 2C-B...'
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : 2CB : Off-site 2C-B Resources
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : LAW : Analog : Off-site Analogue Law Resources
Tue Jul 22, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : soriam : it is born
Culture : Art : Image : emile snellenvollenhoven : indonesian thought
Culture : Art : Image : ryan tippman : the troll inside
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 20, 2003 #
SPIRIT : Catholicism : How to Recite the Holy Rosary
Sat Jul 19, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 17, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 16, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 15, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : GHB : Pharmacology : GHB Neuro-Pharmacology, by BilZ0r
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : jioui
Culture : Art : Image : jioui : min
Culture : Art : Image : jioui : devir
Culture : Art : Image : jioui : gnis
Culture : Art : Image : jioui : iu
Culture : Art : Image : jioui : uoondoun
Culture : Art : Image : chris mckinley : colored pools
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : portrait of a dreamer
Culture : Art : Image : ted vasin : me expired
Culture : Art : Image : thekannabisking : dizzy
Experience : 'Doors of Perception' by A. Huxley
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 14, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jul 12, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 11, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jul 10, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jul 9, 2003 #
Update (major)
- PLANTS : Cannabis : Medical : Canada Begins Policy of Providing Cannabis to Patients
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jul 7, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jul 6, 2003 #
PHARMS : Mirtazapine : New Vault
PSYCHOACTIVES : Testing : Field Testing Vault
New Experience Reports
Fri Jul 4, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 4-Acetoxy-DET : Ethacetin Degradation Investigation
Thu Jul 3, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : mathew crane
Culture : Art : Image : mathew crane : without judgement
Wed Jul 2, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : erial
Culture : Art : Image : erial : zenoexomatrixfun !
Culture : Art : Image : erial : gaian overlord
Culture : Art : Image : erial : steering toward heaven
Culture : Art : Image : andy m : tripped
Culture : Art : Image : brendan gee : flowering madness
Culture : Art : Artist Exhibition : robin shroom
Culture : Art : Image : robin shroom : shroom flowers
Culture : Art : Image : robin shroom : shroom gnome
New Experience Reports
Tue Jul 1, 2003 #
LANG : French : Mushrooms : Vault Champignons Psilocybes
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 30, 2003 #
CULTURE : Characters : Jonathan Ott : _Idiosyncracy and Pharmacophilia_ (book chapter)
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 29, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 27, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 26, 2003 #
FRANCAIS : Chemicals : MAOIS : IMAO : Effets Secondaires Possibles
FRANCAIS : Plants : mushrooms : Technique d'Humidification par la Perlite
FRANCAIS : Plants : Mushrooms : Erowid Vault Champignons Psilocybes
FREEDOM : Constitution : US Supreme Court Rules Anti-Sodomy Laws Unconstitutional
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 25, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 24, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : mj murphy : jagged
Culture : Art : Image : paul contarino : pokey
Culture : Art : Image : cj dahler : deep genome
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 23, 2003 #
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : GHB : Datasheet : GHB MSDS : Replaced Lost PDF with Text MSDS
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 22, 2003 #
Culture : Art : Image : Luke Brown : orishganesha
Culture : Art : Image : Luke Brown : mudramandala
Culture : Art : Image : Angela Wright : scotts birthday
Culture : Art : Image : Ryan Tippman : noodleloop
Culture : Art : Image : subi : insectiod
Culture : Art : Image : subi : organic
Culture : Art : Image : laughingrock : cromelizzard
Culture : Art : Image : laughingrock : ancient dreams
Culture : Art : Image : lee cantrell : intranced
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 21, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 20, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Opium Poppy Cultivation
LIBRARY : Books : Leaves of Grass
LIBRARY : Books : Light Reading for the End of the World
Update (major)
- PHARMS : Alprazolam : FAQ - Updated to version 2.3
Update (minor)
- PHARMS : Paroxetine : FDA Warning about Child Use of Paroxetine
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 18, 2003 #
FR : Plantes : Champignons : Infos de Base: Champignons Hallucinogènes Psilocybes
FR : Plantes : Champignons : Statut Juridique des Champignons Psilocybes
FR : Plantes : Champignons : Champignons Psilocybes Dosage
FR : Plantes : Champignons : Champignons Psilocybes Effets
LIBRARY : Books : Reefer Madness
LIBRARY : Books : Understanding Marijuana
Update (major)
- LANG : FR : Moved French Language Vault
Tue Jun 17, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Antipodes of the Minds
LIBRARY : Books : The Marijuana Farmers
LIBRARY : Books : The Real Drug Abusers
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 15, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 14, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jun 12, 2003 #
PHARMS : Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Basics
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Dose
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Law
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Chemistry
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Effects
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Image Vault
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Image : 15 mg Zyprexa Tablet
PHARMS : Olanzapine : Image : Zyprexa Tablets
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 11, 2003 #
PHARMS : Sumatriptan
PHARMS : Sumatriptan : Images Vault
PHARMS : Sumatriptan : Image : 2 Imitrex Tablets
PHARMS : Sumatriptan : Image : 2 Imitrex Tablets (back)
New Experience Reports
Tue Jun 10, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 9, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jun 7, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jun 6, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jun 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jun 2, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jun 1, 2003 #
CULTURE : Art : Artist of the Month (June) : Luke Brown
Wed May 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue May 27, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed May 21, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun May 18, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat May 17, 2003 #
PLANTS : Banisteriopsis : Image : Banisteriopsis caapi plant
PLANTS : HBW : Image : Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds
PLANTS : Kratom : Image : Mitragyna speciosa plant
Fri May 16, 2003 #
FREEDOM : Police : Court Cases : Minnesota Supreme Court Bans Traffic-Stop Consent Searches
Thu May 15, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Listening to Prozac
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Maria Sabina: Saint Mother of the Sacred Mushroom
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Freshly picked P. cubensis
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Fruiting P. cubensis
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Fruiting P. cubensis
New Experience Reports
Wed May 14, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : MBDB : Image : MBDB Powder
CHEMICALS : MBDB : Image : Baggie of MBDB
CHEMICALS : Methylone : Image : Methylone Powder
CHEMICALS : Methylone : Image : Baggie of Methylone
New Experience Reports
Tue May 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon May 12, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 2C-I : Image : 2C-I Powder
CHEMICALS : 2C-I : Image : Baggie of 2C-I
CHEMICALS : 4-Acetoxy-DIPT : Image : 4-Acetoxy-DIPT Powder
CHEMICALS : 4-Acetoxy-DIPT : Image : Baggie of 4-Acetoxy-DIPT
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Image : 5-MeO-DIPT Powder
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DIPT : Image : Baggie of 5-MeO-DIPT
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : 5-MeO-DMT Powder
CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DMT : Image : Baggie of 5-MeO-DMT
CHEMICALS : DPT : Image : DPT HCl Powder
CHEMICALS : DPT : Image : Baggie of DPT HCl
CHEMICALS : DPT : Image : DPT Freebase
CHEMICALS : DPT : Image : Vial of DPT Freebase
New Experience Reports
Sun May 11, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Synthetic Panics
LIBRARY : Books : Voices From the Edge
LIBRARY : Books : 2und Out
Fri May 9, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : The World of Caffeine
Tue May 6, 2003 #
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Image : Alprazolam 1.0mg tablet
PHARMS : Alprazolam : Image : Alprazolam 0.5mg tablet
New Experience Reports
Mon May 5, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu May 1, 2003 #
CULTURE : Art : Artist of the Month (May) : chris elflyer dyer
Wed Apr 30, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 24, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Nitrous Oxide : Health : Nitrous and B-Vitamin Dangers
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Wed Apr 23, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 19, 2003 #
Ask Erowid : How much amphetamine is in a tablet marked 'alza 36'?
Ask Erowid : Are MBDB and Methylone the same chemical?
Fri Apr 18, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Apr 17, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Apr 16, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 15, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Apr 12, 2003 #
PHARMS : Olanzapine : New Olanzapine Vault
Wed Apr 9, 2003 #
PHARMS : Venlafaxine (Effexor) Vault
PHARMS : Venlafaxine : Dose
PHARMS : Venlafaxine : Effects
PHARMS : Venlafaxine : Law
PHARMS : Venlafaxine : Chemistry
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Apr 7, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Apr 4, 2003 #
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : 5-MeO-DiPT : Law : 5-MeO-DiPT Scheduled by DEA
Update (major)
- CHEMICALS : AMT : Law : AMT Scheduled by DEA
Thu Apr 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Apr 1, 2003 #
Ask Erowid : Is the 'Etymology of Erowid' page a joke?
Mon Mar 31, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 30, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Teen Drug Use
Fri Mar 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 24, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana Alert
LIBRARY : Books : Marihuana: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Cellular Effects
LIBRARY : Books : Cannabis and Man
LIBRARY : Books : Grass Roots
LIBRARY : Books : Seven Herbs: Plants as Teachers
LIBRARY : Books : Operation Julie
LIBRARY : Books : In the Shadow of the Dope Fiend
LIBRARY : Books : The Dope book
LIBRARY : Books : Mental Drugs: Chemistry's Challenge to Psychotherapy
Sun Mar 23, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : DXM : Timeline
LIBRARY : Books : Pot: A Handbook of Marihuana
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs of Hallucination
LIBRARY : Books : Marihuana — Deceptive Weed
LIBRARY : Books : The Marijuana Smokers
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana: Effects on Human Behavior
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana: The Second Trip
Fri Mar 21, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : TMA-2 : Image Vault
CHEMICALS : TMA-2 : Image : Baggie of TMA-2 powder
CHEMICALS : TMA-2 : Image : Baggies of TMA-2 and 2C-T-2 powder
New Experience Reports
New Experience Reports
Wed Mar 19, 2003 #
Erowid Announcement #31
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : Ketamine : Ketamine Law
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 18, 2003 #
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Infos Champignons (Francais)
PSYCHOACTIVES : Hardware : Syringe and Needle Basics
Fri Mar 14, 2003 #
PHARMS : Amineptine Vault
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 13, 2003 #
PLANTS : Poppies : From Flowers to Heroin
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 11, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Mar 9, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Mar 6, 2003 #
Psychoactives : Prohibition : DARE Vault
Psychoactives : Prohibition : DARE : General Accounting Office 2003 Report on DARE
Psychoactives : Prohibition : DARE : General Accounting Office 1990 Report on DARE
Ask Erowid : What is in a tablet marked 'Watson/825'?
Ask Erowid : What is in a tablet labelled 'MIA 110'?
Ask Erowid : Is 5-MeO-DMT a 'research chemical'?
New Experience Reports
Tue Mar 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Mar 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Mar 1, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 27, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 26, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 24, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Sensual Drugs
LIBRARY : Books : Summer of Love
LIBRARY : Books : The Great Drug War
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 22, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Oxy, by Otto Snow
LIBRARY : Books : Pharmakon
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs and Crime
LIBRARY : Books : Sources
LIBRARY : Books : The Strange Career of Marihuana
LIBRARY : Books : Marijuana: The Facts The Truth
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 21, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Barbiturates : Law
CHEMICALS : Ephedrine : Dose
PHARMS : Morphine Vault
PHARMS : Fentanyl : Law
PHARMS : Hydromorphone : Law
PHARMS : Morphine : Law
PHARMS : Naltrexone : Law
Update (minor)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Health : Psychoactive LD50s
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 20, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 19, 2003 #
PSYCHOACTIVES : Health : Research : List of Psychoactive Research Projects Seeking Volunteers
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 17, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : 4-methylaminorex : Basics
CHEMICALS : LSD : 1987 DEA Blotter Catalog
LANGUAGES : Français : Selections Web en Français
Update (major)
- PSYCHOACTIVES : Testing : Law : More States Pass Laws Against Drug Testing Defense Products
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 16, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 15, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Marilyn Monroe Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Buddah Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Skeleton and Roses Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Marilyn Monroe Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Steal Your Face Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Skull / Green Monster Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Alien LSD Blotter
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 14, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Test Tubes Blotter
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 13, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Rolls Royce Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Pacman Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : H.R. Pufnstuf Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Alex Grey Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Atom Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Simpsons Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Mardi Gras Blotter
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 12, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Elvis LSD Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Peace Sign Blotter
CHEMICALS : LSD : Image : Wizard Blotter
PLANTS : Justicia pectoralis
PLANTS : Justicia pectoralis : Journal References
Experience : 'It's Just Not Worth It' by Wen
Ask Erowid : What is the LD-50 of cocaine?
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 10, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Feb 9, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Feb 8, 2003 #
PLANTS : Iboga : Image : Tabernanthe iboga seeds
PLANTS : Justicia : Image : Justicia pectoralis
Update (minor)
- CHEMICALS : MDMA : Marquis FAQ : Added New Substances to Marquis Reaction Chart (from Murple)
New Experience Reports
Fri Feb 7, 2003 #
EcstasyData - New Pill Testing Results (10)
PLANTS : Anadenanthera : Image : Anadenanthera colubrina seeds and seedpods
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura inoxia seeds
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium var tatula flower
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium var tatula seedpod
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium var tatula leaf
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium var tatula stem
PLANTS : Henbane : Image : Hyoscyamus niger plant
PLANTS : Justicia : Image Vault
PLANTS : Justicia : Image : Justicia pectoralis
PLANTS : Mescal : New Vault
PLANTS : Mescal : Image Vault
PLANTS : Mescal : Image : Sophora secundiflora (mescal) beans
PLANTS : Mescal : Image : Sophora secundiflora (mescal) beans
PLANTS : Phalaris : Image : Phalaris Grass
PLANTS : Poppy : Image : Papaver somniferum seedpod (crosscut)
PLANTS : Virola : Image : Virola sebifera bark
New Experience Reports
Thu Feb 6, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : Ayahuasca : Law : UDV New Mexico Ayahuasca Case Timeline
CULTURE : Art : Artist of the Month (February) : Shiptu Shaboo
PLANTS : Amanitas : Image : Dried Amanita muscaria
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium seedlings
PLANTS : Datura : Image : Datura stramonium seeds
PLANTS : Ephedra : Image : Ephedra major seeds
New Experience Reports
Wed Feb 5, 2003 #
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Flowering Hawaiian woodrose vine
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Hawaiian woodrose leaves and flowers
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Hawaiian woodrose seedpod
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Hawaiian woodrose leaves, seeds and pods
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Hawaiian woodrose vine
PLANTS : Merremia tuberosa : Image : Hawaiian woodrose vine covering a tree
PLANTS : Poppy : Making Poppy Tea, by Zort
PLANTS : Poppy : Poppy Biscuits / Pellets, by Sgort
PLANTS : Poppy : Law : Opium Poppy Law Page
New Experience Reports
Tue Feb 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Feb 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 30, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 29, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 28, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 27, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Ploughing the Clouds
LIBRARY : Books : Hallucinogens: An Update
LIBRARY : Books : 50 Years of LSD
LIBRARY : Books : Yanomamo: The Fierce People
LIBRARY : Books : Drugs and Law: For the Street Cop
PLANTS : Anadenanthera : Image : Anadenanthera peregrina seeds
PLANTS : Anadenanthera : Image : Anadenanthera colubrina seeds
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivated Psilocybe Mexicana (strain Jalisco)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivated Psilocybe Mexicana (strain Jalisco)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivated Psilocybe Mexicana (strain Jalisco)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivated Psilocybe Mexicana (strain Jalisco) and Sclerotia
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe Mexicana (Strain Jalisco) Grow Tray
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe Mexicana (Strain A)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe Mexicana (Strain B)
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 26, 2003 #
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Leaves
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Leaves
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Plant
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Flowering Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Plant
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Flowers
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Flowers
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Seed Pod
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Seed Pods
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Seed Pods
HERBS : Foxglove : Image : Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove) Seed Pod
LIBRARY : Books : Yanomamö: The Last Days of Eden
LIBRARY : Books : Tales of the Yanomami
LIBRARY : Books : The Nature of Shamanism
LIBRARY : Books : Spirits, Shamans, and Stars
LIBRARY : Books : Shamanism
LIBRARY : Books : Plants, People, and Culture: The Science of Ethnobotany
LIBRARY : Books : Apples of Apollo
PHARMS : Carisoprodol : Image : Carisoprodol (Dolaren) Tablets with Bottle
PHARMS : Carisoprodol : Image : Carisoprodol (Dolaren) Tablets with Bottle and Ruler
PHARMS : Carisoprodol : Image : Carisoprodol (Dolaren) Tablets with Ruler
PHARMS : Carisoprodol : Image : 3 Carisoprodol (Dolaren) Tablets
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine : Image : Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) Tablets
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine : Image : Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) Tablets
PHARMS : Cyclobenzaprine : Image : Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) Tablets
Update (minor)
- PLANTS : Salvia : Law : St Peters, Missouri (US) Bans Sale of Salvia divinorum to Minors
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 25, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Shamans Through Time
LIBRARY : Books : The Cosmic Serpent
LIBRARY : Books : The Botany of Desire
LIBRARY : Books : The Three Halves of Ino Moxo
LIBRARY : Books : Medicine Quest
LIBRARY : Books : Millbrook
New Experience Reports
Fri Jan 24, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 23, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : DMT : Image : DMT extracted from Mimosa hostilis
PLANTS : Anadenanthera : Image : Sprouting Anadenanthera colubrina seeds
PLANTS : Calea zacatechichi : Image : Small potted Calea zacatechichi
PLANTS : Calea zacatechichi : Image : Calea zacatechichi leaves
Wed Jan 22, 2003 #
PLANTS : Coca : Image : Erythroxylum novogratense leaves and seeds
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Single Psilocybe subaeruginosa
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Young Psilocybe weilii
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Two young Psilocybe weilii
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Single Psilocybe weilii
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Bottom of cap of Psilocybe weilii
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Top of cap of Psilocybe weilii
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe semilanceata growing in grass
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Fruiting P. cubensis cake (PES Hawaiian)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cluster of P. cubensis
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Single P. cubensis
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Psilocybe tampanensis sclerotia (Philosopher's Stones)
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : P. cubensis grow kit - 4 photo series
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 21, 2003 #
HERBS : Nootka lupine : New Vault
LIBRARY : Books : Pipe, Bible, and Peyote
LIBRARY : Books : The Love Drug
LIBRARY : Books : Listening Into the Heart of Things
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Single Psilocybe australiana
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Freshly picked Psilocybe azurescens
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivation bed for P. azurescens - stage 1
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivation bed for P. azurescens - stage 2
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivation bed for P. azurescens - stage 3
PLANTS : Mushrooms : Image : Cultivation bed for P. azurescens - Fruiting
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 20, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Ayahuasca Reader
LIBRARY : Books : The Other Side of Haight
LIBRARY : Books : The Gift of Life
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelia Britannica
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 19, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : The Mystery of Manna
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 18, 2003 #
LIBRARY : Books : Strange Fruit
LIBRARY : Books : Total Synthesis II
LIBRARY : Books : The Peyote Religion Among the Navaho
LIBRARY : Books : Zen and the Brain
LIBRARY : Books : Sacred Mirrors
LIBRARY : Books : LSD: Still With Us After All These Years
LIBRARY : Books : Psychedelic Underground Library
New Experience Reports
Mon Jan 13, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sun Jan 12, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Sat Jan 11, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Wed Jan 8, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Tue Jan 7, 2003 #
CHEMICALS : DMT : Journal : List of Journal Articles on Presence of DMT in Humans and Mammals
Sun Jan 5, 2003 #
CULTURE : Art : Artist of the Month (January) : jorn endresen
Sat Jan 4, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Fri Jan 3, 2003 #
New Experience Reports
Thu Jan 2, 2003 #
New Experience Reports