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Stunning Huichol Yarn Art
Donate $150 or more and get a beautiful Huichol yarn
painting, hand made by Huichol artists in Mexico.
They make fabulous gifts! (6, 8, 12 & 24 inch pieces available.)
Bits & Pieces
by Erowid

The "Bits & Pieces" section is intended for random snippets of information which don't fit
easily elsewhere and/or which have been newly added, but not yet carefully categorized.

  • Nystagmus
    Many inhalants produce horizontal gaze nystagmus, but do not usually affect pupil size.

  • Nitrites Sold Behind the Counter at Sex Stores
    Even in areas where they are prohibited, inhalable nitrites (such as Amyl Nitrite) are sometimes sold at sex stores to trusted or repeat customers.