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Erowid Center Contributors - 2014
[2024]  [2023]  [2022]  [2021]  [2020]  [2019]  [2018]  [2017]  [2016]  [2015]  [2014]  [2013
[2012]  [2011]  [2010]  [2009]  [2008]  [2007]  [2006]  [2005]  [2004]  [2003]  [2002]  [2001]  [2000
[1999]  [1998
Erowid Center is supported through individual contributions and small foundation grants. Following
is a list of Erowid's major contributors in 2014. Special thanks to these individuals for their
incredibly valuable support, without which Erowid would not be possible.

[Only contributors who choose to be are included in the public contributors list]

Ally ($25,000+)
0 Anonymous
Patron ($10,000-$24,999)
Steve Chapman
Mr & Mrs René & Susan Ruiz
2 Anonymous
Benefactor ($5,000-$9,999)
Lennart Jongeneel
2 Anonymous
Visionary ($1,000-$4,999)
Tauba Auerbach
John Gilmore / The Entheogen Fund
Nathan Herring
Derrell Piper
Katherine Rochlin
Sinbad Vine
16 Anonymous
Sponsor ($500-$995)
Ben Byer
Sunshine Kesey
Jared Luxenberg
Ramez Naam
Codey Smith
Aaron van Meerten
Case van Rij
Daniel Whelan
Zarcades Family Fund
20 Anonymous
Fellow ($250-$499)
Gadi Cohen
Michael Curry
A.R. Dewey
Jah Dunn
Bill Freimuth
Christian Heller
Alissa Huskey
Francesco Isolani, MD
Kai Ivanoff
Robert Jesse
Sean Jentis
Noah Kaplan
Magnus Karlsson
Kurt Leland
Jason Lowther
Liam Manders
Benjamin O'Connor
David Presti & Kristi Panik
Christopher Quirk
Henk Reddick
Daniel Schultz
Derek Snider
Suzanne Spurr, PharmD
Dennis Walker
Simon Walters
Mike Wong
Nathan Zadoks
59 Anonymous
Supporter ($125-$249)
Ian Benouis
Georg Bernhard
Stephen Bright
Ankur Butala
Energy Control
Mortal Chang
Kenneth L. Clifton
Mark Cohen
Tony Cohen, MD
Dan Cohn
Noé Curtz
Michael E. Day
Reine Dyrstad
David Egert
Mr. Eli
James Fadiman
Christopher Gaworecki
Dan Girellini
Herbert Görtz
George Greer & Requa Tolbert
Paul Haeberli
Dirk Hanson
Aidan Hardy
Thomas Hobbes
Julie Holland, MD
Yoan Houde
Andrew Hrysicos
Rev. Justin Huber
Kai Ivanoff
David Jennings
Brent Leatherman
Junchao Ma
DeWayne & Jennie May
Chris Mays
Jeff Mease
John Mendelson
Scott Meyer
Jane E. Miloradovich
Zevic Mishor
Sean Michael Monaghan
Emily Murphy-Townsend
Ethan Nadelmann
W.J. Newby
Kyle Parker
Dale & Laura Pendell
Robert Peters
Edoardo Polidori
PolyEster Books
Nevil Reeves
Ruben Reyne
Marzena Suckiel
Dr. Turner
Jeff Rodriguez
Morghen Rotz
Evan Sanyour
Daniel Schultz
Richard Seglenieks
Matt Smith
Beverly Sobelman
James E. Sottile
Jeremiah Spradlin
Benjamin Steinbach
Dr. Suzanne Spurr, PharmD
Todd Trainor
Joe Weisman
Richard Yensen
Justin Yu
113 Anonymous
Friend ($75-$124)
A.J. Arriola
Alex Azzopardi
Dr. Monica Barratt
Nikolas Andreas Benkoe
Paul Brenton Benard
Flint Blade
Mojca Posavec
David Bollinger
Cameron Brenton
Michael Brissie
Shay Brown
Zak Brown
Tito Burgess
Troy Cobb
Chris Conley
Chalaina Connors
Christopher Contreras
Victor T. Cypert
Claude de Cuba
Jordan Doble
Stuart Duke
Kim Dumont
Einar Eldoy
G. Elias
Hamish Fox
Steven M. Freedman
Lloyd Gibbs
Christopher Haines
Dylan Hall
Ansel Halle
Rachel Harris
Brandon Hashimoto
Holden Hunts
Lauren Iannella
Ilsa Jerome
Raymond Keller
Christine Knowles
Peter Koort
Daniel Kopfman
Ad Kox
Stefan Lang
Dustin Lemoine
C.R. Lilley
William E. Maier
Owen Mann
Nick Morrow
Gregg Mulry
Curtis Murphy
A. Myers
David Nash
Adam N. & Ryan S.
Emma Niklasson
Benedict Noel
Sheldon Norberg
Ioannis Ntzamilis
Daniel Peixoto Irby
Juan Olvido Perea García
Bruce Poulter, RN, MPH
Mark Pulver
Ralph Reda
Doug Robinson
Nate Ross
Dr. Sakon
Hope Sanford
Randy Sarbacher
Matheus Schmitt
Michael Silver
Zak Steed
Tomi Streiff
Warren Taylor
Chris Thomson
Gene Tinelli
Francesca Urijoe
William van Dyke
William Walker
Nick Watkins
Robert Weintraub
Jay Werland
Devyn Westbury
Bethany Williams
Wilkinson Zeigler
Matt Zimmerman
215 Anonymous