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The Real Love Drug
Citation:   dontblow2cb. "The Real Love Drug: An Experience with 2C-B (exp97438)". May 4, 2018.

30 mg oral 2C-B (powder / crystals)
  20 mg insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
It was winter break, I had picked up a couple grams of 2c-b to distribute. I had had a complete love affair with 2c-b over the spring and summer, but hadn’t come across it again since, so I thought it was time to take matters into my own hands spreading this magnificent Shulgin creation. I was no stranger to the outrageous effects large (over 30mg) doses of this drug could produce having taken up to 60mg before in the past. But I was a stranger to the intensified effects of insufflating this frenzied substance.

It was just one of those nights. My shift at work was coming to an end, and through a series of text messages it seemed like psychedelics were on the menu for tonight. Getting to my friend’s house after my shift people were well into their rolls/trips, and although 30 mg had been eaten on my way over, I didn’t feel like waiting the notorious 2c come-up period. So, my friend and I decided to blow another 20mg as to hasten the come-up. I had heard of the pain of blowing 2c-b, even that it is the most painful substance to put up your nose. But, I thought to myself, “How bad could it be?”

20mg successfully blown, and the next 15 minutes are a blur. There was just an immense burning pain in my nose, and a disgusting drip. I sat cringing and taking it while the minutes were flying by faster and faster. I go to bathroom and puke. And go back to my friend’s room and lie down on his bed as my head turns to look at his room, the blinds over his window start morphing in impossible ways and the floor seemed to tilt down the walls melting down the slope of the room. And that was just the beginning.

I get up again to puke, and when moving from the toilet to in front of the mirror there is a solid color trail from the toilet to where I am now standing, both in the reflection and not. I’m back in my friend’s room this is the hardest visual trip I have ever had. There are trails and streaming lights, fractal patterning, morphing, and impossible colors, nothing is the way it once was. Red/green halos are extremely prevalent.
Red/green halos are extremely prevalent.
I have forgotten what it’s like for things to not move and breathe. The closed eyed visuals are a zooming, bright, fractal wonderland moving across all sorts of landscapes. The body high is overwhelming; no amount of molly could produce the sensations I was feeling. My whole body was pulsating with pleasure. I was in a complete state of erotic pleasure despite not engaging in sexual acts until much later in the night.

Some of my friends past the peak of their roll decide to join in on our 2c-b journey. It was only once we had several people in the room on it that I fully realized the logic bending possibilities of this drug. The 7 of us were stuck in a loop of dancing, jamming, smoking (weed and cigs), and sitting tripping nuts. Communication was very, very difficult. It was a wonderful experience of thoughts although one thing I’ve noted on the subject is that several times throughout a 2c-b experience great insights will be achieved, only to be completely forgotten a few seconds to a few hours later which can be frustrating.

About 3 hours after I blow it I can feel the effect subsiding back to a normal level of intense 2c-b trip as the insufflated substance subside leaving only the 30mg taken orally. All the while I’d put myself at a +++, not reaching a state of Samadhi, but extremely intense throughout nonetheless.

After about 8 hours I returned to a state of baseline, having been able to drive myself home, and able to go to sleep. Overall, this intranasal dose was overwhelmingly intense, and blowing it was very unpleasant although it did achieve my goal of quickening the come up.

On a side note: I have noted some long-term effects from my repeated heavy use of 2c-b.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 97438
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 1,456
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2C-B (52) : Post Trip Problems (8), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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