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What sort of grasses contain DMT?
Q: I just talked to some old friend of mine who mentioned growing a DMT-containing grass back in the day. None in your current database seemed familiar.

A: There are a number of "grasses" that contain various concentrations of one or more psychoactive tryptamines (DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and bufotenin). These include Arundo donax and Phalaris species including Phalaris aquatica [= P. tuberosa], P. arundinacea, P. brachystachys, P. canariensis, P. minor, P. paradoxa, P. stenoptera, and P. truncata. It is suspected that even some Bromus species may contain DMT.

The concentration and profile of psychoactive tryptamines varies from species to species, and within a species as well. This is due both to genetics of the plant and the environment in which the plant was cultivated and harvested (including the time of year, the time of the day, and whether or not it was a first-growth harvesting or a regrowth harvesting). Underground psychonauts researching in this area eventually narrowed the field to a few species and strains that either: 1) primarily contained a specific targeted tryptamine, and/or 2) tended to contain a higher quantity of alkaloids, and/or 3) contained a lower amount (or none) of other alkaloids that may have presented toxicity risks. A couple of the preferred strains were Phalaris aquatica cv. AQ-1 (containing mostly DMT and traces of 5-MeO-DMT), and P. arundinacea cv. Turkey Red (containing mostly 5-MeO-DMT).

For a time in the 1990s, Phalaris grasses were a popular source for the extraction of tryptamines and the brewing of ayahuasca analogues. However, these grasses usually contain fairly low concentrations of active chemicals. Despite the fact that one could theoretically grow vast sustainably-harvested lawns, Phalaris grasses have fallen out of favor in recent years, as those interested in extractions or ayahuasca have focused on more potent plant sources that became increasingly available on the commercial market.

Asked By : Dephect
Answered By : Jon
Edited By : Fire
Published Date : 2 / 24 / 2011
Last Edited Date : 2 / 25 / 2011
Question ID : 3155

Categories: [ Plants ] [ 5-MeO-DMT ] [ DMT ] [ Plant ID ]

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