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Tastevin C |
Le fleuve Muru - Ses habitants. — Croyances et moeurs kachinaua |
La Geographie |
1925 |
Thomson RHS, Tickner A, W... |
Cholinesterase inhibition by lysergic acid diethylamide. |
Biochem. J. |
1954 |
Evarts EV |
Some effects of bufotenine and lysergic acid diethylamide on the monke... |
Arch. Neurol. Psychi... |
1956 |
Norton S |
Behavioral patterns as a technique for studying psychotropic drugs. |
Psychotropic drugs. |
1957 |
Fuster JM |
Tachistoscopic perception in monkeys |
Fed. Proc. |
1957 |
Baruk H, Launay J, Bergés... |
Etude préliminaire de l'action du LSD 25 chez les animaux, catatonie e... |
Ann. med. -psychol. |
1958 |
Cahn J, Herold M, Georges... |
Action de la sérotonine sur le système nerveux central. |
Thérapie |
1958 |
Jarvik ME, Chorover S |
Effects of lysergic acid diethylamide upon certain aspects of memory (... |
Fed. Proc. |
1958 |
Melander B, Martens S |
The mode of action of taraxein and LSD. |
Dis. Nerv. Syst. |
1958 |
Evarts EV |
Chemical basis for psychosis. Neuropharmacological contributions to o... |
Chemical concepts of... |
1958 |
Fuster JM |
Lysergic acid and its effects on visual discrimination in monkeys. |
J.Nerv. ment.Dis. |
1959 |
Melander B, Martens S |
Experimental studies on taraxein and LSD. |
Acta psychiat.Scandi... |
1959 |
Jarvik ME, Chorover S |
Impairment by lysergic acid diethylamide of accurracy in performance o... |
Psychopharmacologia |
1960 |
Malis JL, Brodie DA, More... |
Drug effects on the behavior of self-stimulation monkeys |
Federation Proc. |
1960 |
Draskoci M |
Assay of lysergic acid diethylamide and its passage from blood into th... |
Brit.J.Pharmacol. |
1960 |
Domino EF |
Effects of LSD-25 on photic driving in monkeys with chronically implan... |
Electroencep. Clin. ... |
1960 |
Wada JA |
Behavioral and Electrographic Effects of Intra-ventricular Injection o... |
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. |
1962 |
MF Halasz, AS Marrazzi |
Psychotogen vs. Tranquilizer on Monkey Conditioned Approach |
Fed. Proc. |
1964 |
Jonas S, de C J Downer J |
Gross behavioural changes in monkeys following administration of LSD-2... |
Psychopharmacologia |
1964 |
M Reivich, S Snyder |
Regional Localization of LSD-25 in the brain of the Monkey |
Fed. Amer. Soc. Exp.... |
1965 |
Snyder SH, Reivich M |
Regional localization of lysergic acid diethylamide in monkey brain |
Nature |
1966 |
Becker DE |
Some effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on visual discrimination in... |
Psychopharmacolgio |
1967 |
Cole J, Glees P |
Behavioural effects of lysergic acid diethylamide in monkeys |
Arzneimittel-Forsch |
1967 |
Uyeno ET |
Lysergic acid diethylamide and dominance behaviour of the squirrel mon... |
Arch Int Pharmacodyn |
1967 |
Brown H, Bass WC |
Effect of drugs on visually controlled avoidance behavior in rhesus mo... |
Psychopharmacologia ... |
1967 |
Barbeau A, Lescop J, Dupl... |
Effect of 3,4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine injections upon dopamine metab... |
Experientia |
1967 |
Kobayashi S, Dushenski LA... |
Demonstration of human reagin using monkey tissues. - VI. Pharmacologi... |
J. Allergy |
1968 |
Uyeno ET |
Alteration of a Learned Response of the Squirrel Monkey by Hallucinoge... |
Int J Neuropharmacol |
1969 |
Glick SD, Jarvik ME |
Differential impairment by drugs of delayed matching performance in fr... |
Fed. Proc. |
1970 |
Glick SD, Jarvik ME, Naka... |
Inhibition by drugs of smoking behaviour in monkeys |
Nature |
1970 |
Gorski M |
Toxic effect of LSD-25 on a culture of kidney cells from Cercopithecus... |
Archiwam Medycyny Sa... |
1971 |
Wu YH, Rayburn JW, Allen ... |
Psychosedative agents28-(4-Substituted 1-piperazinylalkyl)-8-azaspiro(... |
J Med Chem |
1972 |
Hardman HF, Haavik CO, Se... |
Relationship of the structure of mescaline and seven analogs to toxici... |
Toxicol Appl Pharmac... |
1973 |
Kaymakcalan S |
Tolerance to and dependence on cannabis. |
Bull.Narcotics |
1973 |
Boyd ES, Boyd EH, Brown L... |
The Effects Of Some Drugs On An Evoked Response Sensitive To Tetrahydr... |
J Pharmacol.exp.Ther... |
1974 |
Killam KF |
Drugs on EEG correlates of behavior |
Psychopharmacology B... |
1974 |
Siegal RK, Brewster JM, J... |
An Obsservational Study of Hallucinogen-Induced Behavior in Unrestrain... |
Psychopharmacologia |
1974 |
Munch JC |
Phencyclidine: pharmacology and toxicology |
Bulletin on Narcotic... |
1974 |
Freedman DX |
LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors. |
Psychopharmacol Bull |
1975 |
Hoffmeister F |
Negative Reinforcing Properties of Some Psychotropic Drugs in Drug-Nai... |
J.Pharmacol.ExpTher. |
1975 |
Winter JC |
The behavioral pharmacology of psychoactive drugs |
Psychopharmacol.Bull... |
1975 |
Bennett JP Jr, Snyder SH |
Stereospecific binding of D-lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) To Brain ... |
Brain Research |
1975 |
Hoffmeister F, Wuttke W |
Psychotropic Drugs as Negative Reinforcers. |
Pharmacol.Rev. |
1975 |
Holz WC, Gill CA |
Drug Injections as Negative Reinforcers. |
Pharmacol.Rev. |
1975 |
McKerney JW |
Drug Effects and the Environmental Control of Behavior |
Pharmacol. Rev. |
1975 |
Seiden LS, Fischman MW, S... |
Long-term methamphetamine induced changes in brain catecholamines in t... |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
1976 |
Appel JB |
Neurohumoral Determinants of Sensitivity to LSD |
Psychopharmacol. Bul... |
1976 |
Fleisher LG |
Stimulus properties of Hallucinogens in the Rat and the Squirrel Monke... |
Dissertation Abstr.I... |
1976 |
Jarvik ME |
Behavioral Effects of Drugs in Monkeys |
Psychopharmacol.Bull... |
1976 |
Siegel RK, Brewster JM, J... |
The Effects of Hallucinogens On Blind Monkeys |
Intern.Pharmacopsych... |
1976 |
Takeda K, Ando K, Yanagit... |
Operant behavioral observation on visual and auditory effects of drugs |
Jap.J.Pharmacol. |
1976 |
Messiha FS |
Dopamine, the Psyche, and Extrapyramidal Disorders |
Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. |
1977 |
Pickworth WB, Sharpe LG, ... |
Transcallosally Evoked Potentials And the EEG In The Decerebrate Dog: ... |
Electroencephalogram... |
1977 |
Spano PF, Govoni S, Hofma... |
Physiological and Pharmacological Influences on Dopaminergic Receptors... |
Advances in Biochemi... |
1977 |
Schlemmer RF, Tyler CB, N... |
The Comparitive Effects Of LSD, Mescaline, And DMT On Primate Social A... |
Federation Proceedin... |
1978 |
Siegel RK |
The Psychopharmacolo... |
1978 |
Ahn HS, Makman MH |
Stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity in monkey anterior limbic co... |
Brain Res. |
1978 |
Davis WM, Bedford JA, Bue... |
Acute toxicity and gross behavioral effects of amphetamine, four metho... |
Toxicol Appl Pharmac... |
1978 |
Siddik ZH, Barnes RD, Dri... |
The fate of lysergic acid di[14C]ethylamide ([14C]LSD) in the rat, gui... |
Biochemical Pharmaco... |
1979 |
Schlemmer RF, Heinze WJ, ... |
Evidence For Serotonin Mediation Of LSD-induced Abnormal Behavior In M... |
Federation Proc. |
1979 |
Hyvaerinen J, Laakso M, R... |
Effects of Phencyclidine, LSD and Amphetamine on Neuronal Activity in ... |
Neuropharmacology |
1979 |
Freedman DX |
LSD, Psychotogenic Procedures, and Brain Neurohumors |
Psychopharmacol.Bull... |
1979 |
Makman MH, Dvorkin B, Hor... |
Properties Of Dopamine Agonist And Antagonist Binding Sites In Mammali... |
Brain Research |
1980 |
Nielsen EB, Lee TH, Ellis... |
Following Several Days of Continuous Administration d-Amphetamine Acqu... |
Psychopharmacology |
1980 |
Siegel RK, Jarvik ME |
DMT self-administration by monkeys in isolation |
Bull Psychonomic Soc |
1980 |
Schlemmer RF, Davis JM |
LSD-induced Behavioral Changes In Selected Members Of A Primate Social... |
Behavioral Pharmacol... |
1981 |
Brouwer JN, Glaser D, Har... |
The sweetness-inducing effect of miraculin; behavioural and neurophysi... |
J Physiol |
1983 |
Aloi JA, Insel TR, Muelle... |
Neuroendocrine and Behavioral Effects of m-Chlorophenylpiperazine Admi... |
Life Sciences |
1984 |
Hadorn DC, Anistranski JA... |
Influence Of Naloxone On The Effects Of LSD In Monkeys |
Neuropharmacologv |
1984 |
Nielsen EB |
Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in th... |
J. Pharmacol. exp. T... |
1985 |
Beardsley PM, Balster RL,... |
Self-administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) by rhesus ... |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
1986 |
Kamien JB, Johanson CE, S... |
The effects of (+/-)-methylenedioxymethamphetamine and (+/-)-methylene... |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
1986 |
Thompson DM, Winsauer PJ,... |
Effects of phencyclidine, ketamine and MDMA on complex operant behavio... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1987 |
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE,... |
Toxic effects of MDMA on central serotonergic neurons in the primate: ... |
Brain Res |
1988 |
Ricaurte GA, DeLanney LE,... |
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid in cerebrospinal fluid reflects serotonergi... |
Brain Res |
1988 |
Ricaurte GA, Forno LS, Wi... |
(+/-)3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine selectively damages central ser... |
1988 |
Slikker W Jr, Ali SF, Sca... |
Neurochemical and neurohistological alterations in the rat and monkey ... |
Toxicol Appl Pharmac... |
1988 |
Insel TR, Battaglia G, Jo... |
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') selectively destroys bra... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1989 |
Kleven MS, Woolverton WL,... |
Evidence that both intragastric and subcutaneous administration of met... |
Brain Res |
1989 |
Ricaurte GA |
Studies of MDMA-induced neurotoxicity in nonhuman primates: a basis fo... |
NIDA Res Monogr |
1989 |
Slikker W Jr, Holson RR, ... |
Behavioral and neurochemical effects of orally administered MDMA in th... |
Neurotoxicology |
1989 |
Wilson MA, Ricaurte GA, M... |
Distinct morphologic classes of serotonergic axons in primates exhibit... |
Neuroscience |
1989 |
Paulus MP, Geyer MA, Gold... |
Application of entropy measures derived from the ergodic theory of dyn... |
Proc Natl Acad Sci U... |
1990 |
De Souza EB, Battaglia G,... |
Neurotoxic effect of MDMA on brain serotonin neurons: evidence from ne... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1990 |
Gaylor DW, Slikker W Jr |
Risk assessment for neurotoxic effects |
Neurotoxicology |
1990 |
Mansbach RS, Sannerud CA,... |
Intravenous self-administration of 4-methylaminorex in primates |
Drug Alcohol Depend |
1990 |
McCann UD, Ricaurte GA |
MDMA ('ecstasy') and panic disorder: induction by a single dose |
Biol Psychiatry |
1992 |
Ricaurte GA, Martello AL,... |
Lasting effects of (+-)-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on ce... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1992 |
Ricaurte GA, McCann UD |
Neurotoxic amphetamine analogues: effects in monkeys and implications ... |
Ann N Y Acad Sci |
1992 |
Ali SF, Newport GD, Scall... |
Oral administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) produc... |
Neurotoxicol Teratol |
1993 |
Scanzello CR, Hatzidimitr... |
Serotonergic recovery after (+/-)3,4-(methylenedioxy) methamphetamine ... |
J Pharmacol Exp Ther |
1993 |
Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Rysav... |
Fluorine-18 and carbon-11 labeled amphetamine analogs--synthesis, dist... |
Nucl Med Biol |
1993 |
Steele TD, McCann UD, Ric... |
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, 'Ecstasy'): pharmacology and ... |
Addiction |
1994 |
Fischer C, Hatzidimitriou... |
Reorganization of ascending 5-HT axon projections in animals previousl... |
J Neurosci |
1995 |
Frederick DL, Ali SF, Sli... |
Behavioral and neurochemical effects of chronic methylenedioxymethamph... |
Neurotoxicol Teratol |
1995 |
Frederick DL, Ali SF, Sli... |
Acute effects of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) on several compl... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1995 |
Matsunaga T, Iwawaki Y, W... |
Metabolism of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol by cytochrome P450 isozymes... |
Life Sci |
1995 |
Lidow MS |
Prenatal cocaine exposure adversely affects development of the primate... |
Synapse |
1995 |
Seiden LS, Sabol KE |
Methamphetamine and methylenedioxymethamphetamine neurotoxicity: possi... |
NIDA Res Monogr |
1996 |
Beardsley PM, Balster RL,... |
Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of g... |
Psychopharmacology (... |
1996 |