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All References with Titles containing 'Yacoubian_GS' OR with Authors including 'Yacoubian_GS' OR with Abstract including 'Yacoubian_GS' OR with Keywords including 'Yacoubian_GS'

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Arria AM, Yacoubian GS, F... Ecstasy Use Among Club Rave Attendees Arch Pediatr Adolesc... 2002
Yacoubian GS, Arria AM, F... Estimating the Prevalence of Ecstasy Use Among Juvenile Offenders J Psychoactive Drugs 2002
Yacoubian GS Assessing the temporal relationship between race and ecstasy use among... J Drug Educ 2002
Yacoubian GS Correlates of ecstasy use among students surveyed through the 1997 Col... J Drug Educ 2003
Yacoubian GS, Boyle C, Ha... It's a rave new world: estimating the prevalence and perceived harm of... J Drug Educ 2003
Peters RJ, Kelder SH, Mes... Beliefs and social norms about cigarettes or marijuana sticks laced wi... Subst Use Misuse 2005