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All References with Titles containing 'Sheard' OR with Authors including 'Sheard' OR with Abstract including 'Sheard' OR with Keywords including 'Sheard'

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Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, ... Lysergic acid diethylamide: sensitive neuronal units in the midbrain r... Sciencw 1968
Foote WE, Sheard MH, Agha... Comparison of effects of LSD and amphetamine on midbrain raphe units Nature 1969
Appel JB, Sheard, MH, Fre... Alterations in the behavioral effects of LSD by midbrain raphe lesions... Behavioral. Biology. 1970
Aghajanian GK, Foote WE, ... Action of psychotogenic drugs on single midbrain raphe neurons J. Pharmacol. Exp. T... 1970
Aghajanian GK, Sheard MH,... LSD and mescaline: comparison of effects on single units in the midbra... Psychotomimetic Drug... 1970
Aghajanian GK, Graham AW,... Serotonin-containing neurons in brain: depression of firing by monoami... Science 1970
Davis M, Sheard MH p-Chloroamphetamine PCA: acute and chronic effects on habituation and ... Eur J Pharmacol 1976
Sheard MH, Astrachan DI, ... The Effect of D-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) upon Shock Elicited F... Life Sci. 1977
Swann AC, Heninger GR, Ma... Lithium effects on high-affinity tryptophan uptake: evidence against a... Brain Research 1980
Marini JL, Jacobs BL, She... Activity of a Non-Hallucinogenic Ergoline Derivative, Lisuride, in an ... Psychopharmacology 1981