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All References with Titles containing 'Ostfeld_AM' OR with Authors including 'Ostfeld_AM' OR with Abstract including 'Ostfeld_AM' OR with Keywords including 'Ostfeld_AM'

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Ostfeld AM, Visotsky HM, ... A comparison of the psychotomimetic effects of scopolamine, lysergic a... Clin. Res. 1958
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB-318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. I. An explorator... A.M.A. Arch. gen. Ps... 1960
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and JB-318: A comparison of two hall... A.M.A.Arch.Gen.Psych... 1960
Krill AE, Wieland AM, Ost... The effect of two hallucinogenic agents on human retinal function AMA Arch. Ophth. 1960
Ostfeld AM Effects of LSD 25 and JB 318 on tests of visual and perceptual functio... Fed. Proc. 1961
Lebovits BZ, Visotsky HM,... LSD and JB 318: A comparison of two hallucinogens. III. Qualitative an... Arch. gen. Psychiat. 1962
Krill AE, Alpert HJ, Ostf... Effects of a hallucinogenic agent in totally blind subjects Arch. Ophthal. 1963