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All References with Titles containing 'Little_RE' OR with Authors including 'Little_RE' OR with Abstract including 'Little_RE' OR with Keywords including 'Little_RE'

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Grof S LSD and the Cosmic Game: Outline of Psychedelic Cosmology and Ontology Journal for the Stud... 1972
Astley SJ, Little RE Maternal marijuana use during lactation and infant development at one ... Neurotoxicol Teratol 1990
Holden R, Jackson MA Near-fatal hyponatraemic coma due to vasopressin over-secretion after ... Lancet 1996
Campbell DB Extrapolation from animals to man: the integration of pharmacokinetics... Ann N Y Acad Sci 1996
Jones HE, Li H, Balster R... Failure of ibogaine to produce phencyclidine-like discriminative stimu... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1998
Grotenhermen F Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of cannabinoids Clin Pharmacokinet 2003
Escobedo I, O'Shea E, Ori... A comparative study on the acute and long-term effects of MDMA and 3,4... Br J Pharmacol 2005
Pomahacova B, Van der Koo... Cannabis smoke condensate III: the cannabinoid content of vaporised Ca... Inhal Toxicol 2009
Guastella AJ, Kenyon AR, ... Intranasal arginine vasopressin enhances the encoding of happy and ang... Biol Psychiatry 2010
Lin JC, Jan RK, Lee H, Je... Determining the subjective and physiological effects of BZP combined w... Psychopharmacology B... 2010
Lee MH, Hancox RJ Effects of smoking cannabis on lung function Expert Rev Respir Me... 2011
O'Connell CW, Sadler CA, ... Overdose of etizolam: the abuse and rise of a benzodiazepine analog Ann Emerg Med 2015
Barrett FS, Johnson MW, G... Neuroticism is associated with challenging experiences with psilocybin... Personality and Indi... 2017