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All References with Titles containing 'Laviola_G' OR with Authors including 'Laviola_G' OR with Abstract including 'Laviola_G' OR with Keywords including 'Laviola_G'

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Laviola G, Adriani W, Ter... Psychobiological risk factors for vulnerability to psychostimulants in... Neurosci Biobehav Re... 1999
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Ampo... Experimentally induced aggressive behavior in subjects with 3,4- methy... Journal of Substance... 2001
Morley-Fletcher S, Bianch... Acute and carryover effects in mice of MDMA ('ecstasy') administration... Eur J Pharmacol 2002
Gerra G, Zaimovic A, Moi ... Effects of (+/-) 3,4-methylene-dioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) on dopam... Behav Brain Res 2002