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All References with Titles containing 'Hu_AR' OR with Authors including 'Hu_AR' OR with Abstract including 'Hu_AR' OR with Keywords including 'Hu_AR'

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Bye RA Hallucinogenic plants of the Tarahumara J Ethnopharmacol 1979
Ferrigni NR, Nichols DE, ... Cactus alkaloidsXLVIIN alpha-dimethylhistamine, a hypotensive componen... J Ethnopharmacol 1982
Starha R Alkaloids of three 'Peyote' cacti Physica-Chemia 1994
Ott J Ethnopharmacognosy and Human Pharmacology of Salvia divinorum and Salv... Curare 1995
Lua AC, Lin HR, Tseng YT,... Profiles of urine samples from participants at rave party in Taiwan: p... Forensic Sci Int 2003