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All References with Titles containing 'Flashbacks' OR with Authors including 'Flashbacks' OR with Abstract including 'Flashbacks' OR with Keywords including 'Flashbacks'

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Horowitz, MJ Flashbacks: Recurrent Intrusive Images After the Use of LSD Am J Psychiatry 1969
Horowitz MJ Flashbacks: reccurent intrusive images after the use of LSD Amer. J. Psychiat. 1969
Thurlow HJ, Girvin JP Use of anti-epileptic medication in treating 'flashbacks' from halluci... Can Med Assoc J 1971
Moskowitz D Use of haloperidol to reduce LSD flashbacks Mil Med 1971
Thurlow HJ, Girvin JP, Use of anti-epileptic mediation in treating 'flashbacks' from hallucin... Canad Med Ass J 1971
Moskowitz D Use of Haloperidol to reduce LSD flashbacks Milit. Med. 1971
Stanton MD, Bardoni A Drug Flashbacks: Reported Frequency in a Mililtary Population Am J Psychiatry 1972
Juve JL Bad drug trips and flashbacks Child Welfare 1972
AssmusH, Reimer FÀ Akzidentelle LSD-Intoxikation bei drei Geschwistern im Kindesalter mit... Prax.Kinderheilk. 1972
Stanton MD, Bardoni A Drug flashbacks: reported frequency in a military population Amer. J. Psychiat. 1972
ANDERSON, FLOYD E. [ no Title ] Amer..Psychiat. 1973
Holsten F Flashbacks - Senreaksjoner Etter Bruk Av LSD Of Cannabis Hos 78 Stoff... T. norske Laegeforen... 1974
Van Putten T, Hollingswor... CA Diphenylhydantoin in the treatment of LSD flashbacks: a case study Newsletter for Resea... 1974
Heaton RK Subject expectancy and environmental factors as determinants of psyche... J Nerv Ment Dis 1975
Heaton RK Subject Expectancy And Environmental Factors As Determinants Of Psyche... The Journal of Nervo... 1975
Holsten F Flashbacks: a personal follow-up Arch Psychiatr Nerve... 1976
Wesson DR, Smith DE An analysis of psychedelic drug flashbacks Am J Drug Alcohol Ab... 1976
Holsten F Flashbacks: Clinical And Social Significance 1 1/2-4 Years After The F... T Norske Laegeforen 1976
Saidel DR, Babineau R Prolonged LSD Flashbacks as Conversion Reactions J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1976
Stanton MD, Mintz J, Fran... Drug Flashbacks. II. Some Additional Findings Int. J. Addict. 1976
Ungerleider JT, Frank IM Management of acute panic reactions and flashbacks resulting from LSD ... Acute drug abuse eme... 1976
Wesson DR, Smith DE An Analysis Of Psychedelic Drug Flashbacks Amer. J. Drug Alcoho... 1976
Pradhan SN, Hollister LE Abuse Of LSD And Other Hallucinogenic Drugs Drug Abuse: Clinical... 1977
Matefy RE, Hayes C, Hirsc... Psychedelic drug flashbacks: subjective reports and biographical data Addict Behav 1978
Grossman TM Post-Anesthesia Catalepsy In an LSD User Anesth. Prog. 1978
Abraham HD A chronic impairment of colour vision in users of LSD Br J Psychiatry 1982
Abraham HD Visual phenomenology of the LSD flashback Arch Gen Psychiatry 1983
Hoffman JA LSD flashbacks Arch Gen Psychiatry 1984
Strassman RJ Adverse reactions to psychedelic drugs. A review of the literature J Nerv Ment Dis 1984
Leikin JB, Krantz AJ, Zel... Clinical features and management of intoxication due to hallucinogenic... Med Toxicol Adverse ... 1989
Creighton FJ, Black DL, H... 'Ecstasy' psychosis and flashbacks Br J Psychiatry 1991
Schifano F Chronic atypical psychosis associated with MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse Lancet 1991
McGuire P, Fahy T Flashbacks following MDMA Br J Psychiatry 1992
Smith DE, Seymour RB LSD: History and Toxicity Psychiatric Annals 1994
Schifano F, Magni G MDMA ('ecstasy') abuse: psychopathological features and craving for ch... Biol Psychiatry 1994
Cohen RS Adverse symptomatology and suicide associated with the use of methylen... Biol Psychiatry 1996
Holden R, Jackson MA Near-fatal hyponatraemic coma due to vasopressin over-secretion after ... Lancet 1996
Bitsch A, Thiel A, Rieckm... Acute inflammatory CNS disease after MDMA ('ecstasy') Eur Neurol 1996
Lerner AG Clonidine treatment for hallucinogen persisting perception disorder Am J Psychiatry 1998
Myers LS, Watkins SS, Car... Flashbacks in Theory and Practice The Heffter Review o... 1998
Bailly D Neuropsychiatric disorders induced by MDMA ('Ecstasy') Encephale 1999
Batzer W, Ditzler T, Brow... LSD use and flashbacks in alcoholic patients J Addict Dis 1999
Lerner AG, Gelkopf M, Oyf... LSD-induced hallucinogen persisting perception disorder treatment with... Int Clin Psychopharm... 2000
Halpern JH, Pope HG Jr Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder: what do we know after 50 ... Drug Alcohol Depend 2003
Halpern JH Hallucinogens: an update Curr Psychiatry Rep 2003
Ikeda A, Sekiguchi K, Fuj... 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine-induced flashbacks Am J Psychiatry 2005
Espiard ML, Lecardeur L, ... Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder after psilocybin consumpti... Eur Psychiatry 2005
Halpern JH, Lerner AG, Pa... A Review of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) and an ... Curr Top Behav Neuro... 2016