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All References with Titles containing 'Boys_A' OR with Authors including 'Boys_A' OR with Abstract including 'Boys_A' OR with Keywords including 'Boys_A'

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Lenton S, Boys A, Norcros... Raves, drugs and experience: drug use by a sample of people who attend... Addiction 1997
Boys A, Lenton S, Norcros... Polydrug use at raves by a Western Australian sample Drug & Alcohol Revie... 1997
Boys A, Marsden J, Griffi... Substance use among young people: the relationship between perceived f... Addiction 1999
Boys A, Marsden J, Strang... Understanding reasons for drug use amongst young people: A functional ... Health Education Res... 2001
Boys A, Marsden J Perceived functions predict intensity of use and problems in young pol... Addiction 2003