References Search
All References with Titles containing 'Bar_PR' OR with Authors including 'Bar_PR' OR with Abstract including 'Bar_PR' OR with Keywords including 'Bar_PR'
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Appel JB, Freedman DX |
Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Among Psychotomimetic Drugs |
Psychopharmacologia |
1968 |
Cameron OG, Appel JB |
Conditioned suppression of bar-pressing behavior by stimuli associated... |
J. exp. Anal. Behav. |
1972 |
Cameron OG, Appel JB |
Drug Induced Conditioned Suppression: Specificity Cue To Drug Employed... |
Pharmacol. Biochem. ... |
1976 |
Kovacic B, Domino EF |
Tolerance And Limited Cross-tolerance To The Effects Of N, N-dimethylt... |
J. Pharmacol. exp. T... |
1976 |
Carter R B. Appel J B |
LSD and 5-HTP: Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Relationships. |
Eur.J.Pharmacol. |
1978 |
Ruffing D, Kovacic B, Dem... |
Naloxone enhancement of DMT and LSD-25 induced suppression of food-rew... |
Psychopharmacology |
1979 |
Ruffing DM, Domino EF |
First Dose Behavioral Tolerance to Phencyclidine on Food-Rewarded Bar ... |
Psychopharmacology |
1980 |
Ruffig DM, Domino EF |
Effects of Selected Opioid Agonists and Antagonists on DMT- and LSD-25... |
Psychopharmacology |
1981 |
Mokler DJ, Commissaris RL... |
Drugs that influence dopamine function do not alter the disruption of ... |
Federation Proceedin... |
1982 |
Ruffing DM, Domino EF |
Interaction of Synthetic Opioid Metenkephalin Peptide Analogs, Lilly ... |
Psychopharmacology |
1983 |
Rosecrans JA, Glennon RA |
The effect of MDA and MDMA ('Ecstasy') isomers in combination with pir... |
Pharmacol Biochem Be... |
1987 |
van der Stelt M, Veldhuis... |
Neuroprotection by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active compou... |
J Neurosci |
2001 |
Veldhuis WB, van der Stel... |
Neuroprotection by the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and arvanil a... |
J Neurosci |
2003 |