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All References with Titles containing 'ANTIDEPRESSANTS'

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Meek JL, Fuxe K Serotonin accumulation after monoamine oxidase inhibition. Effects of... Biochem. Pharmacol. 1971
Maj J, Baran L, Rawlow A,... Central effects of miaserin and danitracen - New antidepressants of un... Pol.J.Pharmacol.Phar... 1977
Maayani S, Green JP, Wein... LSD, Tricyclic Antidepressants And Neuroleptics Inhibit Histamine Stim... Federation Proceedin... 1978
Gold R, Morgenstern R, Fi... Effects of atypical antidepressants on LSD potentiated apomorphine hyp... Acta. biol. med. ger... 1980
Lucki I, Frazer A Prevention of the Serotonin Syndrome in Rats by Repeated Administratio... Psychopharmacology 1982
Bonson KR, Buckholtz JW, ... Chronic administration of serotonergic antidepressants attenuates the ... Neuropsychopharmacol... 1996
Bonson KR, Murphy DL Alterations in responses to LSD in humans associated with chronic admi... Behav Brain Res 1996
Wilens TE, Biederman J, S... Case study: adverse effects of smoking marijuana while receiving tricy... J Am Acad Child Adol... 1997
Mortensen OV, Kristensen ... Species-scanning mutagenesis of the serotonin transporter reveals resi... J Neurochem 2001
Foley KF, Cozzi NV Novel Aminopropiophenones as Potential Antidepressants DRUG DEVELOPMENT RES... 2003