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HPPD References Database

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All References with Titles containing 'NIAl' OR with Authors including 'NIAl' OR in Collection HPPD OR with Abstract including 'NIAl' OR with Keywords including 'NIAl'

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Bulle PH Neurohumors in psychoses Chemical concepts of... 1958
Malis JL, Brodie DA, More... Drug effects on the behavior of self-stimulation monkeys Federation Proc. 1960
Heard G Can this drug enlarge man's mind? Psychedelic Rev. 1963
Frosch WA, Robbins E, Rob... Motivation for self-administration of LSD Psychiat.Quart. 1967
Horowitz, MJ Flashbacks: Recurrent Intrusive Images After the Use of LSD Am J Psychiatry 1969
Fisher G The psycholytic treatment of a childhood schizophrenic girl. International Journa... 1970
Thurlow HJ, Girvin JP Use of anti-epileptic medication in treating 'flashbacks' from halluci... Can Med Assoc J 1971
Moskowitz D Use of haloperidol to reduce LSD flashbacks Mil Med 1971
Stanton MD, Bardoni A Drug Flashbacks: Reported Frequency in a Mililtary Population Am J Psychiatry 1972
Juve JL Bad drug trips and flashbacks Child Welfare 1972
Carlsson A, Bédard P, Lin... The Influence of Nerve Impulse- Flow on the Synthesis and Metabolism o... Biochem.Soc.Symp. 1972
Malmnas CO Monoaminergic Influence on Testosterone-Activated Copulatory Behavior ... Acta physiol scand 1973
Fiorese FF, Pirl JN, Mani... Ethchlorvynol Reagent for Functional Groups Detection Anal. Chem. 1973
Persson SA, Wahlstrom G The Relationship between Tube Running Activity in Mice and 5-Hydroxytr... Acta Pharmacol 1974
Andén NE Effect of Acute Axotomy (Spinal Cord Transection) on the Turnover of 5... Advanc Biochem Psych... 1974
Applegate RB The Datura Cult Among the Chumash The Journal of Calif... 1975
Heaton RK Subject expectancy and environmental factors as determinants of psyche... J Nerv Ment Dis 1975
Fanchamps A The Role of Humoral Mediators in Migraine Headache J Canad Sci Neurol 1975
Hariri M Uptake of 5-Hydroxytryptamine by Mesocestoides Corti (Cestoda). J Parasitol 1975
Ando K Profile Of Drug Effects On Temporally Spaced Responding In Rats PHARM.BIOCHEM.BEHAV. 1975
Holsten F Flashbacks: a personal follow-up Arch Psychiatr Nerve... 1976
Wesson DR, Smith DE An analysis of psychedelic drug flashbacks Am J Drug Alcohol Ab... 1976
Stewart RM, Growdon JH, C... 5-Hydroxytryptophan-Induced Myoclonus: Increased Sensitivity to Seroto... Neuropharmacology 1976
Costall B, Naylor RJ, Pin... Characterisation of the mechanisms for hyperactivity induction from th... Psychopharmacology B... 1976
Sicuteri F Headache As Metonymy Of Non Organic Central Pain Headache New Vistas 1977
Mayer KH SALVIA divinorum EIN HALLUZIN06EN DER MAZATEKEN VON OAXACA, MEXIKO Enthnologia American... 1977
Matefy RE, Hayes C, Hirsc... Psychedelic drug flashbacks: subjective reports and biographical data Addict Behav 1978
Edvinsson L, Hardebo JE, ... Pharmacological Analysis of 5-Hydroxytryptamine Receptors in Isolated ... Circulation Res. 1978
Whitaker PM, Seeman P Selective labeling of serotonin receptors by d-[3H]lysergic acid dieth... Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. 1978
Owman C, Edvinsson L, Har... Pharmacological in vitro Analysis of Amine-Mediated Vasomotor Function... Blood Vessels 1978
Abramson HA, Gettner HH, ... The intracranial injection of drugs in goldfish. I: Hallucinogens and ... J. Asthma Res. 1979
Abraham HD A chronic impairment of colour vision in users of LSD Br J Psychiatry 1982
Lucki I, Frazer A Prevention of the Serotonin Syndrome in Rats by Repeated Administratio... Psychopharmacology 1982
Abraham HD Visual phenomenology of the LSD flashback Arch Gen Psychiatry 1983
Valdés LJ, Díaz JL, Paul ... Ethnopharmacology of ska María Pastora (Salvia divinorum, Epling and J... J Ethnopharmacol 1983
Hoffman JA LSD flashbacks Arch Gen Psychiatry 1984
Peroutka SJ, Kuhar MJ Autoradiographic localization of 5-HT1 receptors to human and canine b... Brain Research 1984
MacRae WD, Towers GH An ethnopharmacological examination of Virola elongata bark: a South A... J Ethnopharmacol 1984
Garner LF, Klinger JD Some visual effects caused by the beverage kava J Ethnopharmacol 1985
Smilkstein MJ, Smolinske ... A case of MAO inhibitor/MDMA interaction: agony after ecstasy J Toxicol Clin Toxic... 1987
Hubner CB, Bird M, Rassni... The threshold lowering effects of MDMA (ecstasy) on brain-stimulation ... Psychopharmacology (... 1988
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Psychostimulant properties of MDMA NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Neurochemical mechanisms involved in behavioral effects of amphetamine... NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Creighton FJ, Black DL, H... 'Ecstasy' psychosis and flashbacks Br J Psychiatry 1991
Harries DP, De Silva R 'Ecstasy' and intracerebral haemorrhage Scott Med J 1992
McGuire P, Fahy T Flashbacks following MDMA Br J Psychiatry 1992
Petroski RJ, Powell RG, C... Alkaloids of Stipa robusta (sleepygrass) infected with an Acremonium e... Nat Toxins 1992
Beckers G, Hömberg V Cerebral visual motion blindness: transitory akinetopsia induced by tr... Proc Biol Sci 1992
Wodarz N 'Ecstasy'-induced psychotic depersonalization syndrome Nervenarzt 1993
Abraham HD Adverse consequences of lysergic acid diethylamide Addiction 1993
Hocart CH, Fankhauser B, ... Chemical archaeology of kava, a potent brew Rapid Commun Mass Sp... 1993
Hughes JC, McCabe M, Evan... Intracranial haemorrhage associated with ingestion of 'ecstasy' Arch Emerg Med 1993
Mathew RJ, Wilson WH Acute changes in cerebral blood flow after smoking marijuana Life Sci 1993
Norton SA, Ruze P Kava Dermopathy J Am Acad Dermatol 1994
McGuire PK, Cope H, Fahy ... Diversity of psychopathology associated with use of 3,4-methylenedioxy... Br J Psychiatry 1994
Galloway G, Shulgin AT, K... Amphetamine, not MDMA, is associated with intracranial hemorrhage J Accid Emerg Med 1995
Reid LD, Hubbell CL, Tsai... Naltrindole, a delta-opioid antagonist, blocks MDMA's ability to enhan... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1995
Abraham HD, Duffy FH Stable quantitative EEG difference in post-LSD visual disorder by spli... Psychiatry Res 1996
Reid LD, Hubbell CL, Tsai... Naltrindole, a delta-opioid antagonist, blocks MDMA's ability to enhan... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1996
Abraham HD, Mamen A LSD-like panic from risperidone in post-LSD visual disorder J Clin Psychopharmac... 1996
Kawasaki A, Purvin V Persistent palinopsia following ingestion of lysergic acid diethylamid... Arch Ophthalmol 1996
Van Toi V, Abraham H, Bu... Post-LSD Hallucinosis Is Associated With Decrease In Flicker-Fusion Se... Investigative Ophtha... 1996
McKenna DJ Plant hallucinogens: springboards for psychotherapeutic drug discovery Behav Brain Res 1996
Suess R, Lehmann P [Hematogenous contact eczema cause by phytogenic drugs exemplified by ... Hautarzt 1996
Morehead DB Exacerbation of hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder with rispe... J Clin Psychopharmac... 1997
Lerner AG Naltrexone treatment of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder Am J Psychiatry 1997
Young CR Sertaline treatment of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder J Clin Psychiatry 1997
Fitzal S [Ketamine and neuroprotection. Clinical outlook] Anaesthesist 1997
Piscopo G Kava Kava: Gift of the Islands Alt Med Rev 1997
Byard RW, Gilbert J, Jame... Amphetamine derivative fatalities in South Australia--is 'Ecstasy' the... Am J Forensic Med Pa... 1998
Alcantara AG Is there a role for the alpha2 antagonism in the exacerbation of hallu... J Clin Psychopharmac... 1998
Lerner AG Clonidine treatment for hallucinogen persisting perception disorder Am J Psychiatry 1998
Myers LS, Watkins SS, Car... Flashbacks in Theory and Practice The Heffter Review o... 1998
Bailly D Neuropsychiatric disorders induced by MDMA ('Ecstasy') Encephale 1999
Batzer W, Ditzler T, Brow... LSD use and flashbacks in alcoholic patients J Addict Dis 1999
Callaway JC, McKenna DJ, ... Pharmacokinetics of Hoasca alkaloids in healthy humans J Ethnopharmacol 1999
Lauterbach EC, Abdelhamid... Posthallucinogen-like visual illusions (palinopsia) with risperidone i... Pharmacopsychiatry 2000
Lerner AG, Gelkopf M, Oyf... LSD-induced hallucinogen persisting perception disorder treatment with... Int Clin Psychopharm... 2000
Pomeranz HD, Lessell S Palinopsia and polyopia in the absence of drugs or cerebral disease Neurology 2000
West WB, Lou A, Pechersky... Antagonism of a PCP drug discrimination by hallucinogens and related d... Neuropsychopharmacol... 2000
Genova P The Permanent Trip: A case of 'post-hallucinogen perception disorder' The Thaw: 24 Essays ... 2000
Lee S-J, Chung H-Y, Lee I... Phenolics with Inhibitory Activity on Mouse Brain Monoamine Oxidase (M... Food Sci Biotechnol 2000
Abraham HD, Hopkins Duffy... EEG coherence in post-LSD visual hallucinations Psychiatry Res 2001
Aldurra G, Crayton JW Improvement of hallucinogen persisting perception disorder by treatmen... J Clin Psychopharmac... 2001
Lerner AG, Skladman I, Ko... LSD-induced Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder treated with c... Isr J Psychiatry Rel... 2001
Alper KR Ibogaine: Review The Alkaloids 2001
Knoller N, Levi L, Shosha... Dexanabinol (HU-211) in the treatment of severe closed head injury: a ... Crit Care Med 2002
Raikos N, Tsoukali H, Psa... Amphetamine derivative related deaths in northern Greece Forensic Sci Int 2002
Auer J, Berent R, Weber T... Subarachnoid haemorrhage with "Ecstasy" abuse in a young adult Neurol Sci 2003
Veldhuis WB, van der Stel... Neuroprotection by the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and arvanil a... J Neurosci 2003
Oliveri M, Calvo G Increased visual cortical excitability in ecstasy users: a transcrania... J Neurol Neurosurg P... 2003
Nawrot M Disorders of motion and depth Neurol Clin 2003
Kenny PJ, Markou A Nicotine self-administration acutely activates brain reward systems an... Neuropsychopharmacol... 2006
Nichols DE Commentary on: Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences havin... Psychopharmacology (... 2006
Gable RS Risk assessment of ritual use of oral dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and har... Addiction 2007
Carliss RD, Radovsky A, C... Oral administration of dextromethorphan does not produce neuronal vacu... Neurotoxicology 2007
Tupper KW Teaching teachers to just say know: Reflections on drug education Teaching and Techer ... 2008
Allen JW, Gartz J, Sihano... The Occurrence, Recreational Use, Cultivation, and Chemistry of Psiloc... Ethnomycological Jou... 2009
Tupper KW Ayahuasca healing beyond the Amazon: The globalization of a traditiona... Global Networks: A J... 2009
Tupper KW Entheogenic healing: The spiritual effects and therapeutic potential o... Book: The Healing Po... 2009

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