From: (Jeffq) Date: 19 Feb 1993 22:15:12 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Eating/cooking MJ writes: >Hi. I've been reading articles and the like on this newsgroup for quite >some time. Most of the previous questions I have had have been answered. >However, I thought of one which has not: When cooking MJ (ie. brownies) does >the smell of the MJ permeate throughout the kitchen area? I'm asking because >it's something that I've always wanted to bake, but I like in the dorms and >the only kitchen area is right in the lobby. Course I'm not looking to get >busted. Thanks in advance. YES IT DOES!!! It's about as easy to conceal as baking-chocolate-chip-cookie-fumes on a cold morning. -jq -- ,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';, ,;';, Jeff Ishaq .,;';, ,;';, I am a meatball: Bite me. Guitar withdrawal! .,;';, ,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';,.,;';, From: (Craig T Manske) Date: 21 Feb 1993 07:46:11 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Eating/cooking MJ From article <>, by > Hi. I've been reading articles and the like on this newsgroup for quite > some time. Most of the previous questions I have had have been answered. > However, I thought of one which has not: When cooking MJ (ie. brownies) does > the smell of the MJ permeate throughout the kitchen area? I'm asking because > it's something that I've always wanted to bake, but I like in the dorms and > the only kitchen area is right in the lobby. Course I'm not looking to get > busted. Thanks in advance. It didn't for me. I took an 1/8oz of smoke, chopped it all very fine until it was all sift, and added it to some Microwave (Not MicroRave, some other brand) browines and cooked it in the micro for 8 minutes... All I could smell was chocolate! From there, I went to the Lallapalooza concert in Milwaukee, and had one in the car 15 minutes from the gate (All this doing a poilce road check for intoxicants :) )... Anyways, it hit me 20-30 minutes later, and kept getting stronger and stronger for the next hour. The next 5 hours were great... Seems much more mellow than smoking a number of bowls, although it was a very strange feeling to not smoke something and just get more and more stoned. The best part of eating pot brownies is getting a very small smidgen stuck of a bud stuck between your teeth mixed with chocolate!!!! Rodney From: (David Johnston) Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1993 23:12:31 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Eating/cooking MJ In a previous article, (Paul Stanford) says: > >No, when cooking MJ brownies, the smell of baking brownies permeates the >kitchen area. Cook the ganja in butter first, then mix it into the brownies. >Enjoy in the privacy of your own home. > > I have no doubt this has been stated before, but I might as well add it to this string as well. If you fry the dope in butter or oil before cooking with it, you will alter the kind of high you get. Without frying, you'll be stoned out of your mind, immobile on the couch for the duration. With frying, you are stoned out of your mind, running around laughing like an idiot. I much prefer the latter. I've been told that this is because the frying dissolves the THC out of the dope and into the butter, which allows it to enter the bloodstream faster. Come to think of it, this would seem to suggest that the effects would be reversed. Any confirmation/denial, anyone? Dave P.S. My favorite recipe: Open an oreo cookie, and scoop out a small depression in the icing (yes, I *know* what's in that icing. I try not to think of it.) Take a quarter gram of hash, heat it, and crumble it up. Then heat a bit of butter, about the same amount as the hash you broke up, in a spoon over a stove element, candle or lighter. When it's melted, add the hash and stir it up with a toothpick, or something. It will melt. At this point, if someone comes in, you look like your about to shoot up. Throws a real scare into Mom! :-( Pour the mixture into the depression in the oreo, and put the cover back on. Refrigerate for 20 minutes or so, and chow down. 1 cookie will do the trick! Enjoy! -- Dave From: Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1993 14:57:19 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Eating/cooking MJ I haven't seen this variation of cooking with MJ on the list, but it is from a recipe in "A Childs Garden of Grass" that my friend Ernie used to have back in school. Anyways, some FOAF's used to do this to extract the last useability from sticks, stems and whatever "rubble" is lying around. Of course, you can do this with any other shake or bud if you so desire. Bring 1-2 quarts of water to a boil. Add 2 sticks of butter. Add sticks, shake, stems, whatever...thow it all in! Cover and let boil for 15 minutes. Pour through a strainer into a bowl. Put the bowl into the fridge over night. In the morning, most of the THC laden butter will have formed a hard layer on the top of the water. Carefully skim this off and save. Use this butter in any recipe you desire; my friend Ernie used to put it on toast! A lot of work I know, but this method seems to enjoy several advantages over frying: 1) no danger of overcooking or burning because the water temp won't be much higher than 100C/212F 2) better extraction of THC because you can cook it longer without burning; Ernie said you could even catch a reasonable high from just sticks and stems. 3) You can use the butter in any recipe; Ernie was also a big pesto fan. Ernie told me that there was a better version using alcohol instead of water but that you can't do it with a gas stove, so he didn't really remember. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to Due to the double-blind system, any replies to this message will be anonymized, and an anonymous id will be allocated automatically. You have been warned. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to *IMPORTANT server security update*, mail to for details. From: (daniel finster) Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1993 19:38:38 GMT Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Re: Eating MJ > anyone else want to share their experiences eating? Me and a friend, the other week, decided to take the last of our weed and instead of smoking it, cook it. We fried it for about 10 minutes in butter, then got out a can of Chili-Mac and dumped it in there, and added some Velveeta (tm) (couldn't find brownie mix.. didn't want to go spend money). The Chili-Mac tasted like shit, so we won't be doing that again... Anyways, There was a show that night at a local music club, a few bands that we wanted to see (I think it was Brutal Juice, Caulk and someone else, all local Dallas/Denton bands (If you ever get a chance, pick up a Brutal Juice tape, they are REALYL good, sortof a hardcore punk/grunge, with dual strobe lights..)) and I had heard several times on alt.drugs that when you eat weed, it takes about 3 or 4 hours to take affect. So by that calculation, we decided to eat it around 3 in the afternoon, to be nice and stoned at the show. Bad idea--The pot started taking effect in about 30-45 minutes, and rose slowly and steadily.. We watched some anime (japanese animation) for a while, then decided to turn off the sound and put music on (because the soundtrack on the anime sucked).. That was really cool, of course, so we played with the TV more, and got out this cheesy porn video we had bought a while back that basically sucked; on pot it was pretty cool; though and got us real horny, so we talked about it for a minute and decided that I'd go outside and wait while he jacked off, then he'd go outside and wait while I did same. That was cool, also. Then we decided to put on some noise music (from Japan) and turn on static on the TV. If you get a chance, pick up _Shinsen Na Clitoris_ by Masonna and listen to it while watching static on the TV while stoned, it's like a lightening bolt through your spine. Similar effects can be gotten from _Emanation Machine R. Gie 1916_ by SPK (off of _Information Overload Unit_). Anyways, so we sat around listening to noise and stuff for a while.. and talked about how we were feeling, and stuff.. around 8 or 9 we started to get REAL tired, which sucked because we wanted to see the music show real bad.. we ended up going to sleep and missing it entirely. When I woke up the next morning, I could _STILL_ feel it a little bit, like 16 hours after I had ingested it! Overall, I like eating it better than smoking it, for the most part.. I like being high for the longer period of time, een when it isn't as intense as it'd otherwise be. One interesting thing which maybe someone else on here could tell me if they experienced this also, several times I felt myself going down a little bit, then a little later getting even higher than before. I have never noticed this kind of effect while smoking, it's always a go-up-till-you-peak,then-coast-down-slowly .. never a rollercoaster like this. I found it very interesting. Next time I'll get real brownie mix though. -- daniel finster ...!!letni!sdf!df ============================================================================= Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.drugs From: Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 18:33:43 UTC Subject: New way of eating MJ A FOAF told me about this: Eating really is the best way to injest, but how many people want to whip up a batch of brownies every time? It just takes too much time. This recipe, for "Firecrackers", is really easy, and really fast: Spread peanut butter thickly on a cracker. Top with perfectly cleaned MJ (no twigs or seeds, and break up any buds) - about enough for a joint. Spread peanut butter on another cracker, and put on top of the MJ, peanut butter side down, so the layers are cracker, PB, MJ, PB, cracker. Put on some foil, and bake at 300 for 20 minutes. Let cool and eat.