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Erowid Image Drive

May 2000 Results

We received a good response to our image drive in May, with over 200 submissions. We appreciate everyone taking the time to share their images with us and with those who visit Erowid. Below is a list of the winning submissions as well as a list of honorable mentions. Also check out the full list of submissions...there's a lot of nice images in there.

f you submitted one of the following images and have not been contacted yet, please contact and specify the URL of the image which is yours. Top winners will get a years membership with Erowid and a gift. Honorable mentions get a years membership with whatever cool membership perks we come up with in the coming months. :)

Winning Submissions

  1. Best Overall Plant Images. . . . . Georg Mueller
    Amanita Muscaria by Georg Mueller
    Amanita Muscaria by Georg Mueller
    P. cyanescens, slight blueing by Georg Mueller
    P. semilanceata by Georg Mueller

  2. Best Overall Chemical Images . . . . . Anonymous
    3 Types of DET Crystals by Anonymous
    3 Types of DET Crystals, with ruler by Anonymous

  3. Most Unusual Plant Images (tie). . . . . . Kava Kauai & Anonymous
    Flowering B. caapi by Kava Kuaui
    Flowering B. caapi by Kava Kuaui
    Kratom Tissue Culture by Anonymous

  4. Best Collection. . . . . . Murple
    2C-T-2 Tablets, by Murple
    Artemisia absinthium, by Murple
    Trichocereus pachanoi - Flowering, by Murple
    Coffea arabica, by Murple
    Lophophora diffusa, by Murple

  5. Overall Coolest Submission . . . . . Anonymous
    Cubensis Cultivation Animation by Anonymous [2 Mb but worth the wait]

  6. Best Ayahuasca Image . . . . . DsergeC
    Bundled Caapi Vines by DsergeC

  7. Best Cactus Image (tie) . . . . . Anonymous & Christopher B.
    Flowering Trichocereus Pachanoi by Anonymous
    Flowering Peyote by Christopher B.
    Dual-flowering Peyote by Christopher B.

  8. Best Cannabis Image (tie) . . . . . StonedSlik & Arclight
    Developing Female Cannabis Bud by StonedSlik
    Bagged Cannabis Bud by Arclight
    Cannabis Pipe scan by Arclight

  9. Best LSD Image (tie) . . . . . Wizdumb & Anonymous
    LSD Sunflower Sheet by Wizdumb
    LSD Tim Leary Sheet by Anonymous

  10. Best Mushroom Image (tie) . . . . . Anonymous & Anonymous
    Dried Cubensis scan by Anonymous
    Mould Contaminated Cake by Anonymous

  11. Best Poppy Images . . . . . Eric Clausen
    Deep Red Poppy Flower by Eric Clausen
    Beautiful Varigated Poppy Flower by Eric Clausen
    Closeup of Poppy Pod by Eric Clausen

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Chemical Images
    Dexamphetamine Bottle by MC Assassin
    Ecstasy Pills by Anonymous

  2. Plant Images
    Argyreia Nervosa by Scruff
    Dried Caapi Vine by Anonymous
    Mimosa Hostilis by Vincent Hicks
    Rivea Corymbosa Flowers by Christopher B.
    Dried Mushroom Cap by Anonymous
    Tabernanthe iboga Seeds by Anonymous