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Volunteers: Triaging
Pronunciation: (trE-'äzh)
Etymology: French, sorting, sifting, from trier to sort, from Old French
Definition: the assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and resources can be best used or are most needed.

We are looking for volunteers to help us beta-test the Experience Triage system for sorting and rating incoming reports. This volunteer position is called Triager.

All submitted reports are (eventually) read by Erowid crew; some are accepted for publication and others are not. Triagers provide a valuable service by reading and grading reports as they come in. They identify the best and worst reports, make notes about what they like and dislike about the submissions, and flag unusual texts for immediate attention. Triaged reports are then edited and checked by Reviewers and published or sent to the trash.

Becoming a triager takes some training to learn how to grade the reports on the same scale and to know what to look for. To help with the beta-test, you must commit to at least 4 hours of triaging per week for the first two weeks, as we have found that less than this dilutes the learning process and makes the training go slowly and poorly. Do not volunteer to triage until you can carve out that much free time.

If you'd like to help improve the quality and quantity of reports that get published and be considered for a triaging position, please fill out the volunteer form and mention that you'd like to apply to be an Experience Triager. Thanks!