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The Worst Trip and an Overdose
Products - Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2)
Citation:   Bronx. "The Worst Trip and an Overdose: An Experience with Products - Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2) (exp94354)". Jun 6, 2016.

3 hits smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
My name is Bronson I'm 14 and about 3 weeks ago I overdosed on K2. Normally I smoke real weed but I'm in a drug program because of all my drug use including weed, ice, cocaine, DXM, and a lot of others.

It started out late at night after my mom went to bed. I rolled a blunt of K2 and smoked it. Right after the 3rd hit it came on really strong I got really confused and started to have very trippy ideas like I thought demons where giving me bad trips and I could not breathe so I started coughing up blood and vomited. I was so scared I could not move I was leaned over on my dresser looking down at some of my shirtts and pants and it looked like they where moving. Then I saw a tunnel I was going through when I got to the end I saw something like the green stuff inside a computer or a phone and in the middle of it there was a very bright blue light in the middle after that I started to hear very strange music and the blue light was dancing to it.

It was the scarist thing that ever happened to me and for days after I still had chest and lung pains and very bad bone ache this has happend 3-4 times but I still smoke it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 94354
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Jun 6, 2016Views: 2,646
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Overdose (29), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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