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Works As Long As You Don't Get Upset
Citation:   Lusus Naturae. "Works As Long As You Don't Get Upset: An Experience with Valerian (exp941)". Erowid.org. Oct 28, 2000. erowid.org/exp/941

  oral Valerian (capsule)
At one point I was working in a particularly stressful job and was developing some unhealthy habits in terms of alcohol consumption. In order to better manage the stress and resulting anxiety (to which I am prone) I purchased a bottle of 150 mg valarian capsules. Also having an experimentative mind, I wanted to see what recreational potential it had.

For the first week, I took the recommended 2 capsules. The first few days I would wake up *extremely* groggy and disassociated, but the substance itself produced no noticable effects, recreational nor theraputic. By the end of the week I was feeling fine (except for the anxious and stressed-out part).

The next week, I upped the dosage to 4 capsules, which seemed to have a mild effect of the anxiety/stress (I wasn't that way all the time... Only when in directly stressful situations.) but still no recreational advantages.

By the end of the fourth week, I was taking 14 tablets at one go. I was still stressed only when provoked and sleeping better, but never noticed any feelings other than very mild elation at best.

As a recreational drug, I found it worthless. As a theraputic drug, it works as long as you're not commonly thrust into stressful situations.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 941
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2000Views: 37,794
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Valerian (48) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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