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Horrid Convulsions & Paranoia
Cannabis, Alcohol & Oxycodone
by kmk
Citation:   kmk. "Horrid Convulsions & Paranoia: An Experience with Cannabis, Alcohol & Oxycodone (exp88994)". Nov 20, 2022.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:20 5 mg oral Oxycodone  
  T+ 0:00   oral Pharmaceuticals  
  T+ 0:00 1 - 2 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 24:00   oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 24:00   oral Alcohol  
  T+ 48:00   repeated oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  T+ 48:00   repeated oral Alcohol  
I'm not sure how to write all of what I experienced because it's hard to remember what actually happened versus what I've imagined or forgotten. This particular experience happened at a large music festival over the course of several days.
This particular experience happened at a large music festival over the course of several days.
I think I'll just dot-point the things I remember:

Day 1?: 15mg oxycodone + 1 or 2 beers
- I've taken oxycodone before, but only around 10mg at a time and have only once had bad nausea (after taking the pills on an empty stomach)
- took 10mg of oxycodone around 11am while sitting in the sun waiting for a band to play
- felt warm / happy / joyous (i.e. off to opiate dream-land) after about 20 minutes so decided to take another 5mg tablet.
- still felt quite good & walked to another stage to watch a different band play. Was waiting in line for a beer when I suddenly felt horrible (sweaty, dizzy, nauseous, panicky) and left my boyfriend to sit on the grass in the shade. These feelings hit me so hard and I remember just needing to lie down in the cool desperately - my boyfriend came over to me and I remember saying how utterly fucked I felt.

The rest of the afternoon is a bit blurry - I spent most of the time suffering waves of debilitating nausea and resting my head in my boyfriend's lap while we watched (or didn't) bands performing. I finally decided to go to the chemist stall and ask for something for the nausea since I couldn't stand for longer than a few minutes without feeling sick to my stomach. They asked what I had taken and I told them - the pharmacist sold me some anti-nausea (migraine?) medication and assured me it wouldn't react badly with the oxycodone. The medication worked really well and I felt well enough to stand / listen to bands play for several hours.

After about 3 hours the medication wore off and I felt horribly sick again and remember kneeling by our tent almost vomiting. I was worried about taking more of the anti-nausea medication because 4 hours hadn't passed yet but the nausea was too horrible to deal with so I took another two and felt fine after about 20 minutes. I felt mostly fine for the rest of the night. During this period (when I was feeling well) I drank a beer (or two) which I know is an utterly moronic thing to do while taking oxy AND paracetamol-based medication (it was part of the migraine/anti-nausea meds) but alas, I was not thinking properly.

Day 2: One [cannabis] cookie + drinks
Ate the cookie over the course of the day and felt OKAY but got some pretty horrible paranoia: was sure my boyfriend was cheating on me with girls at the festival, with his ex-gf who was with us, thought everyone was looking at me and KNEW how high I was, felt completely out-of-place (horribly ugly and disfigured and that everyone was looking at me with disgust) - I wouldn't say all of this was bad, because while it was happening I KNEW I wasn't 'in my right mind' - and it brought to my attention just how socially anxious I really am (although I keep these feelings in check when I'm high) - I guess it was enlightening in a pretty depressing way.

Day 3: The [cannabis] cookies of DOOM :(
I ate half a cookie around 11am and about an hour later felt great - giggly, talkative, tilty (everything seemed like it was on a slope so walking was a little difficult - but fun!) - I was also drinking beer at this point and I'm not sure exactly how many beers I drank throughout the day but it probably wasn't more than 6. I also drank some tequila (maybe 1 shot worth) and bourbon.

Ate the other half of the cookie a few hours later and had another positive experience - just enjoying the music / company and feeling somewhat messed up but happy (that tilty, tingly, warm feeling).

Evening came and I decided to have another cookie with my boyfriend. I felt well / happy for an hour and then the horribleness began. We were fairly close to the stage and waiting for a band to come on when I just felt like .. I don't know. I needed to get out of there RIGHT now - the crowd was too big and terrifying and I felt so heavy and panicky - at this point I knew I was in for a pretty wretched few hours. I told my boyfriend how I felt and we walked to a more open space. I don't really remember the sequence of events after this but here are some things I felt:

- I was wearing a jacket and it felt so tight that my arms were going to burst out of it and other parts of my body were numb and dead-feeling.
- I was restless and scared - I needed to keep moving about otherwise I knew I'd really lose control (meaning I'd totally give in to the idea that I was going to die (that's how I felt!) so we would make frequent trips to get water or food to keep my mind off of things.
- I felt like I was being crushed into the ground and it was hard for me to sit up - my whole body felt so heavy and it hurt badly in my chest (like my rib-cage was being crushed) - this feeling made me even more scared because I thought I might be having a heart attack (my heart was also beating very, very fast).

My boyfriend was being amazing - trying to distract me while I was panicking, telling me it was normal / everything was okay / that he was there
My boyfriend was being amazing - trying to distract me while I was panicking, telling me it was normal / everything was okay / that he was there
, and If he weren't there I'm pretty sure I would have taken myself to the ambulance tent for fear of dying.

The worst part of everything was the convulsions. At first I thought it was because I was cold and couldn't keep myself warm but it was more like I was receiving electric shocks and my muscles would just spasm over and over again. My boyfriend took me back to our tent and gave me an extra jacket and we cuddled under our sleeping bags - I remember he held me very tightly while I continued convulsing - I was sure I was moments away from a proper fit and it was terrifying not being able to control how my body moved. Time was going so slowly all the while - I was convinced I would feel this way forever and kept asking if I would ever feel 'normal' again.

I remember saying things and not realizing I had said them until a few minutes after - or not knowing whether I had said / or done things or just imagined it - it was very disconcerting and it is difficult to explain how 'out of it' this made me feel. The whole time I was convinced I would die (especially when the shaking got quite bad). I was also convinced that my boyfriend was going to take me to the 'save-a-mate' tent and leave me there and I would get in trouble or they would laugh at me. I also felt horrible for making him miss the bands that were playing / taking him away from his friends to have to deal with me. I still feel bad :(

After a couple of hours I started to get 'slivers' of normality or I felt like I was getting used to the world / my thought processes being like this and I was more able to deal with how I felt - so we went back up to the festival - I was still scared but the music sounded really good and I guess I knew I would be OKAY, I just had to wait for these feelings to end. We went back to the tent a while later and I still felt messed up but knew I wouldn't die and that I was almost back to normal - we went to bed but it was very difficult for me to get to sleep (people were still partying and talking and I felt like I couldn't let myself sleep just yet because I might not wake up).

The only upside of this particular experience was that I realized how much I love my boyfriend - he made sure I was alright and walked me through the whole horrible time in such a helpful / calm way (not panicking me even more by asking me if I were all right / telling me how strangely I was acting) that I can't imagine how much worse it would have been without him.

I guess the only thing I can take away from all this is a) know your limits / don't mix drugs! And b) have somebody with you that you know can help you if you have a bad time because it makes such a huge difference.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88994
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Nov 20, 2022Views: 1,106
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Cannabis (1), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Alcohol - Hard (198), Oxycodone (176) : Combinations (3), Guides / Sitters (39), Multi-Day Experience (13), Difficult Experiences (5), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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