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Cannibalism and Loose Teeth
Spice-Like Smoking Blend ('Space')
Citation:   Juxie. "Cannibalism and Loose Teeth: An Experience with Spice-Like Smoking Blend ('Space') (exp87803)". Jan 6, 2017.

1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (plant material)
I would like to start off by saying that I'm an experienced drug user. I've tried Marijuana, dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, cocaine, oxycodone, inhalants, and even nutmeg. But nothing compares to how frightening my experience was with this particular herbal blend.

I was caught with a felony drug charge and put onto drug court. I was piss testing 3 times per week at this point and could no longer use pot. A friend of mine suggested using herbal blends, whcih I had never heard of beforehand. He brought one joint with him the next day. We smoked this joint on our break, and It felt JUST like pot. I began using these herbal blends up to 3 times a month, and passed the secret onto my closer circle of friends. They as well began using it, and eventually bought a brand called 'space'.

I went to my friend's house for a party, where in one room everyone was smoking the stuff. My friend, (let's call him Jim) packed me a bowl and sat me down and said 'Smoke this all in one hit. It's the way it has to be done to feel the full effect.' I proceeded to do just so, I thought it would be like a better k-2 high. Boy was I wrong. I took the pipe in my hand and touched the flame to it gently, and inhaled deeply until the substance sucked through. I held it in for about twenty seconds before exhaling.

Within seconds, I felt very, very stoned. It seemed nice. About five minutes after this, Jim led the other guys along with myself out of the room. We were outside now, descending down his porch steps. As I went down the steps, I began to feel... Well, just plain weird. We sat on the porch to smoke a cigarette. I had sat down and closed my eyes because of my funny feeling. Jim tapped my arm to pass me the cigarette. 'How you feelin' bro?' he asked me. I opened my eyes and realized my vision was blurry as hell! At this point my mental high caught up with my physical high and I began having strange thoughts. 'I'm fucking tripping.' I replied to my friend Jim. I went to check my phone to see if I was out past curfew. My vision was so blurry that I couldn't see the time.

I held the phone about one inch from my face and still could not read the time. At this point, I tried to stand up to ask a party goer what time it was. I felt dizzy and stumbled around, until deciding to just sit on a brick. Jim and a couple of other people surrounded me. 'Are you okay man?' Jim asked me. 'No, I need to go home. I don't feel good.' I replied.

I finally talked someone into taking me home. I decided to lay in the bed of the truck, because I didn't want to throw up in my other buddy's truck. After about 2 minutes on the road, I was completely GONE! I had my head resting on the sleeve of my jacket, and my mouth was slightly open. I felt my teeth grinding on the sleeve, which I thought was the flesh of my very own arm. I immediately rose up and tried to check for blood. I couldn't see a thing. I started to freak out and actually BELIEVE that I was chewing pieces of my arm off. I moved my arm away from my face to stop my cannibalistic tendencies. I closed my eyes once again and had strange auditory and visual hallucinations. I was on the moon, the ground was whitish gray, and the sky was pitch black, and I was running at what seemed to be one thousand miles per hour. My mind began orchestrating strange techno music. The song was playing as clear as day, I could hear every note, and I could also control every note. I enjoyed this part of my trip. I laid in the bed of that truck for what seemed to be hours playing songs and running on the moon.

Finally, the truck had stopped, and I got out of it. I said goodbye to my friends and said thank you for taking me home. I managed to stumble into my house, where I planned to sober up. I went into my bedroom and turned the lights off and proceeded to lay in bed. The hallucinations started to get scarier and more vivid. I was seeing faces and hearing screams, laughter, cars honking, and even a dog barking. I sat up to make it stop, but I must have gotten up too fast because at this point I started getting the spins. I laid back down, and the spins got lighter, but then a 'loud' auditory hallucination of a dog bark brought them back. Only this time I started vomiting. I spent a good 15 minutes throwing up on the floor, and managed to empty my stomach. I thought that I would have no more trouble with my nausea, but boy was I wrong. I continued to vomit, even though nothing had come out except for minute quantities of stomach acid. I would dry heave, spit, and continue dry heaving. My mouth felt so gritty and acidic that I beleived I was puking my teeth out of my gums. I tried to feel for them but wasn't coordinated enough and kept touching my goatee instead of my mouth. Terrified, I turned the radio on, and eventually it put me to sleep.

If I could sum it up in one sentence, I would say that it's worse than every bad trip I've ever had in my life combined. I woke up the next morning to gritty teeth, a burning throat, a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit, and a room full of vomit. I would NOT recommend the space blend to any of my friends, or any drug user not experienced in hallucinogens.

[Reported Dose: "1 bowl JW-250 Space herbal blend"]

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87803
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 6, 2017Views: 1,478
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Health Problems (27), Overdose (29), Hangover / Days After (46), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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