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Amazing Alternative
Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Stinger')
Citation:   larulezd00d. "Amazing Alternative: An Experience with Products - Spice and Synthetic Cannabinoids ('Stinger') (exp86159)". Jul 22, 2010.

300 mg smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (plant material)
I've been smoking cannabis for a few months now, and the other day I was out dry. Nobody was selling lately so I was pretty bummed. I was with a friend and I was explaining to him my problem. He told me about some spice products at the gas station that work just as good. I had trouble buying into it at first, no believing it would get me high. Sure enough I went and bought a 500mg bag of the brand 'Stinger.'

The next night I decided I'd give it a try. I went outside with my pipe, lit a few bowls at around 11pm. About 10-15 minutes later I felt the effects immediatley. I couldn't belive that it actually worked. My mind was swirling and I kept forgetting things like I usually do when I smoke mary jane. A great feeling of relaxation swept over me around 30min later and I could not stop smiling and laughing at everything. The high lasted about a good hour or so.

The only difference I could really notice was that usually after my marijuana high I feel buzzed for a good while afterwards. I did not feel a buzz at all after the spice. It was like I was high for an hour and then it dropped and I was back to completely normal. It didn't last as long as I had hoped for but it is a great alternative to the real thing, plus it's legal in most states and doesn't show up in drug tests. I will most likely be using this product again in the near future.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 86159
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Jul 22, 2010Views: 10,119
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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