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Not Pot
Spice Product ('Gold')
Citation:   Door King. "Not Pot: An Experience with Spice Product ('Gold') (exp77867)". May 30, 2009.

1 hit smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
  2 hits smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I ordered some Spice Gold from the U.K. I knew from the first puff that I was on to something, but what I’m not sure. I’m 65, and don’t smoke much pot simply because it’s not that available here, and when I do have it, I don’t get much done.

Anyway, Spice had some amazing pot-like affects on me. Most noticeable was an uncontrollable urge to play the guitar. In the first hour, I wrote a new song, which is holding up pretty well. Pot always made playing more enjoyable, but this stuff seemed to have a much stronger affect. It made me musically whacko. I couldn’t stop rhyming. It made me into a bloody genius, if you want to know the truth, and the one hit I took kept right on going for three or four hours. My mouth got very dry and nasty, and I got the mega munchies. Exhausted, I lay in the bathtub, and fell into what I can only describe as an opium dream. Pot almost always suppresses my dreams. I’m not sure Spice is worth it; I was strung out the next day.

I’ve smoked it two or three times since, and it always produces reliable musical results, which I have trouble shutting down: Sample rhyme: The great explorer, so excited that he’d found, the fountain of youth, fell in and drowned. I mean my brain was spewing out billions of these. I tried three puffs the last time, and it was at least eight hours before I calmed down enough to sleep. When I shut my eyes, I could see a pattern typical of psychedelics I have tried before. And I was strung out all the next day; not painfully, but I felt spacey and tired.

Age has brought less recuperative powers and a greater sensitivity, so maybe that’s it. I’ll probably do it again. The music it helps me make is just too damned good to resist, even if I do feel like my brain has been hooked up to a light outlet. I mean, it just hums, and won’t shut up. I’m going to try to limit use to just a puff, and only once or twice a month though. I mean, you really have to want to play to take a puff of this stuff.

P.S. The stuff makes this old dog randy, too.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77867
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2009Views: 30,875
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Performance Enhancement (50), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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