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Tempus Fugit & Minor Perspective Distortions
Wormwood (extract)
Citation:   ElCaliente. "Tempus Fugit & Minor Perspective Distortions: An Experience with Wormwood (extract) (exp73677)". Jun 11, 2020.

  oral Wormwood (extract)
A Summary of Experiences

I'm a long time (10+ years) wormwood imbiber. This is not one specific use of the herb, but a reflection on long term use.

I've always found the wormwood high to be very pleasing, a calm crisp state of mind... although it just might be somebody else's mind. My only method for years has been alcohol infusion, preferably in an 80 proof ethanol for a period of 2 weeks, shaken daily, and then strained through cheesecloth.

The high from thujone, I would have to say, is like waking up in a new body, with a new brain, and new thoughts, even though I recognise them all as my own. Hallucinatory effects rarely go beyond tempis fugit and minor perspective distortions (very long hallways) although these can be more present when other herbs are infused. The high is not fragile, but it is delicate and nuanced, also it it easily overshadowed by drunkenness, which is why I use the 80 proof ethanol. Once Absinthe was 'legalized' in the US, my friends and I were very disappointed to find that the effects of what I've been making all these years is far more overt, as we'd been waiting for 'the real thing'.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73677
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2020Views: 1,096
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Wormwood (50) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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