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Heaven in a Glass
Absinthe & Tobacco
Citation:   leflaneur. "Heaven in a Glass: An Experience with Absinthe & Tobacco (exp68501)". May 4, 2018.

1.5 oz oral Absinthe
    smoked Tobacco
Just one glass tonight. Thats all I really ever need. The girlfriend is out of town and I'm home alone with a book, and my pipe (a good English blend) and my absinthe.

I contemplate the Kubler -- a bleu swisse almost clear in color, light and refreshing. But on this January night I opt for La Verte de Fougerolles. It's a bit more herbal that others with a stronger anise bite, and higher proof.

Both have been couriered from France. The real deal. Absinthe made like a fine whiskey, the way it was once made. None of these home made concoctions of wormwood and grain, nor some scope colored firewater bought in the Czech republic. The real stuff -- the good stuff is legal again in Europe and easily purchased online, albeit for a price. That's why it only comes out on special occasions.

The ice cold water dribbles over the sugar cube and into the glass. And there's the louche... the liquid turning a cloudy green.

On my lips a sweet, tart, licorice like flavor with a hundred more subtle flavors going on. I take the tiniest of sips.

And the drunk... after just one shot. Mild, pleasant, clear headed. I don't know a thing about thujone but different alcohols have their different personalities. This on is a like a crystal clear mountain lake. Refreshing, clarifying, yet deeply relaxing.

I re-light my pipe and this is all I need right now.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 1,933
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Absinthe (4) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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