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Strange but Nice
Brugmansia suaveolens
Citation:   M. Thompson. "Strange but Nice: An Experience with Brugmansia suaveolens (exp604)". Jul 16, 2000.

15 leaves oral Brugmansia (leaves)
I chopped part of the top growth off my Brugmansia sauveolens shrub and ripped up all the leaves (about 15/16 in all) and cut up the stem and stuffed them into a 3 litre bottle and covered with boiling water, I then went out and left the leaves to steep. When I returned about 2 hours later the water had turned bright green and had a familiar scent (i dont know what?).

I then set about drinking the infusion which had a taste of pea pods (as in Pisum sativus). I had drank half of it so I went to sit in another persons room, I thought that was a waste of time, but when I looked in the mirror my pupils had covered the coloured part of my eyes. After seeing this I set off to the toilet as I had drank a large amount of water due to feeling dehydrated and having a very dry throat. When I started down the hall to the toilet I could feel my self being pulled to one side and then the other so I staggered on.

Having noticed that this had not been a total waste of time I finished the bottle. All this did was increase the feelings I was already having apart from when I looked at my hands they where moving like waves and so was the floor but only when I looked at them, this continued all night until I finally fell asleep at about 4.30 am with some difficulty. The next day my eyes were still unfocused and my head felt strange. It was a very strange experiance but definitely one to be tried. But be carful with the dosage.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 604
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2000Views: 39,478
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