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The Dream High
Oxycodone, Cannabis & Escitalopram
Citation:   TripperMan96. "The Dream High: An Experience with Oxycodone, Cannabis & Escitalopram (exp45792)". Dec 1, 2007.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 5.0 mg oral Oxycodone (capsule)
  T+ 4:15 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 7:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
11:00 a.m: I started my day of with some breakfast, my normal dose of Lexapro,a SSRI antidepressant, and a bowl of some decent marijuana. After going a month without having any opiates, I could not wait to try oxycodone for the first time.

Noon: It was a 5 mg 'Tylax' capsule. I figured that this was a very small dose, since oxycontin pills came at a minimum of 20 mg. I decided to open the capsule and mix the powder with some soda as an attempt to get higher. I noticed that after I finished chasing it to hide the taste, I felt a huge rush.

12:15: I felt the euphoria kicking in. I had never felt this kind of onset from an opiate, but then again, I had only experienced with weaker drugs such as hydrocodone.

12:30: I decided to get my bowl and get into my groove. I turned on the shower and the fan, put a wet towel in front of the door and grabbed my headphones. While I was smoking, the euphoria was becoming very intense. I was surprised that this dose would have me feeling so good. Little did I know that this was not even the peak.

12:45: At this time, the euphoria and stimulation became so great that I honestly believed that I was on mdma. I was getting hot, energetic, loved the whole world, and I felt the need to drink a bottle of water. The guy I got it from used to sell E. I have done a lot of reading on ecstasy on the past, and the effects seemed to fit the profile. At this point, I feared for my life. After looking in the mirror a few times, I was relieved to see that my pupils were smaller than normal, a common effect of opiates.

1:00: I had never enjoyed vomiting so much in my life. It was just like a junkie's first time shooting up. The onset finally ended and the plateau began. I thought it was odd that only seconds after being sick, I drank some water with no problem. I lied down watched tv, and called a friend to make plans for later. I was feeling so good that I had to do the thing I love. I decided to go play my favorite computer game, Unreal Tournament.

1:30-3pm: It was as if I were in the game, hunting down my enemies. The ambience sounded realistic at times. The high that I was experiencing felt better than sex. I usually get minor CEV's from marijuana alone, the oxy seemed to amplify it. I could easily block out anything that was outside of the game. At times I felt a sudden urge to tell someone I loved them. This euphoria was probobly so great because I had no tolerance to opiates, and my anti depressant naturally makes me a little happier than normal.

3:15: I decided to smoke a joint that I had prepared the previous night. After smoking, I felt like I was plateauing again. The euphoria was almost never ending. At this point, the stimulation and almost upper effect seemed to be replaced with relaxation. I laid down with my dog for a few minutes and got so comfy I didn't bother to anwser the phone. At this point, I could honestly say that I was experiencing a '+3' high. I welcomed the effects and cherished every moment of this bliss.

4:30: I saw a few friends and they instantly knew I was on something because of my mood. I felt like I was the king of the crowd. The attention felt great. I am usually an isolater who prefers to spend time alone, because I have few friends, so seeing these people made it that much better. I got some pretty strong munchies, so we got some taco bell. The food seemed to feel good as I was eating it. I was oblivious to everything around me as I ate a steak burrito.

6:00: I still felt pretty good, and I was still at about a +1. I smoked some more weed and the rest of the night was relaxing. Oxycodone was the best non hallucinogen I have ever done. I can now see how people get hooked on it so easily. If I had another chance to experience this high, I would take it without question.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45792
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2007Views: 86,612
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Oxycodone (176) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Various (28)

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