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Sparkling Blood Running Through My Veins
Citation:   3ö PiE 3ö. "Sparkling Blood Running Through My Veins: An Experience with Wormwood (exp43876)". Mar 8, 2007.

5 cups oral Wormwood (tea)
Few days ago, I read about the psychoactive qualities of wormwood. So that evening I was going to make some tea of it. I didn't know much about the dosage, so I took much, almost half a plant, about 15 leaves, and I thought this was surely enough. I made some tea with it, did enough sugar in it because it's bit bitter.

I let it stand there for almost 20 minutes so all the substances would came free.
I drunk my first cup of tea and when I'd finished it, my tongue seemed to be paralysed. I didn't see things change, so I did another cup. Still nothing else. So I drunk another two cups and then I wanted to go to smoke a sigaret. When I stood up, I saw colours become much brighter and felt a bit drunk. I couldn't walk straight, but I was clear in my head.

After I finished the sigaret, I went upstairs to lie on my bed. When I was there, I felt my blood sparkling through my veins over whole my body. It was a strange feeling. Like my body was totally paralysed, but I could still move it. A few hours later I was going to smoke a joint and I still felt the effects of the wormwood. This surely wasn't good at all.

The sparkling became even more heavier, and one moment I really thought I'd die. I could hear my heart bounce. It almost bounced out of my body. I felt cold, and my body felt paralysed. After that, I went asleep. It took very long before I slept and when I was lying down, I was convulsed, my body moved even when I didn't wanted it. Then I fell asleep.

This was my first experiment with wormwood, but surely not the last. Although, I think I'll be more careful with the dose.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43876
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2007Views: 11,820
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