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A Little Extra Something
Citation:   Budlighter. "A Little Extra Something: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp38387)". Oct 27, 2006.

2 capsls oral Yohimbe
I'm 21 years old and by no means have trouble performing in the bedroom. However, I saw on a news magazine show that many herbs really can boost sexual performance. So I decided to do some investigating.

I was casually strolling through my local pharmacy when I stumbled across a bottle of yohimbe. It was on sale to my surprise. Buy one get one even! That was a deal I couldn't pass up. I got 2 bottles of 135 500mg capsules for ten bucks.

Before consuming any of the pills I did a little research.

The recommended dosage on the bottle stated 3 caps a day with meals. However, I found in my research many other brand of yohimbe recommending up to 2000mg in a single dose. I figured somewhere in between would be safe.

I took 2 capsule with about 12 oz. of water to help the coating on the caps dissolve more quickly. I then waited 30 minutes. I called my girlfriend to see if she could come over but she was working. Disappointed, I engaged in some self-stimulation and got an erection that made me feel like I was built from steel.

The effects peaked about 2 hours after I initially took the caps and slowly tapered off to my normal, healthy libido after another 2 hours. Needless to say, I was impressed.

I tried the same dosage later that night when my girlfriend was off from work. She told me she noticed a difference in my energy levels among other things (alright!).

The only unpleasant side effects I encountered were some mild abdominal cramps and I became quite flushed toward the end of our encounter.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2006Views: 26,644
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Yohimbe (96) : Sex Discussion (14), General (1), Alone (16)

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