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Nature is Beautiful
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by B
Citation:   B. "Nature is Beautiful: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp17524)". Jun 14, 2005.

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4 caps oral Mushrooms (plant material)
  8 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This was the last night in my city before I was off to college. I had gone shroom hunting the day before and made shroom juice earlier in the morning. This was going to be my second trip on shrooms.

So around 7 pm my friend D and I got together and did what we always did and smoked a few bowls. We waited and waited for A to call us back, but since he didn't, D and I decided to smoke another bowl and drink the shroom juice. Well we downed the juice, it was a little bit nasty but a bit better than eating them raw.

We knew it would take a little while before we started tripping so we decided to go for a drive to pass the time. We eventually ended up at one of our smoking spots so we got out of the car to go smoke another bowl. It was about 45 min after i drank the juice and the shrooms were kicking in for me. I noticed my high from the weed was being superseded by the high from the shrooms. I felt more in touch with things at this point and lights seemed so very bright. D was still feeling nothing. I felt bad about this but just let my trip ride.

This place that we smoked at was great for smoking and even better for tripping at. It was like a little park in between many houses it had one big willow tree and a walking path. I just laid there and stared at the sky. The stars were out that night and were so bright and so beautiful. As i stared at the clouds and the stars and the leaves of the willow tree all of a sudden all of those elements of nature would come alive and start moving. The clouds would turn into ribbon looking clouds and move across the sky, the leaves of the tree and the stars both were just so beautiful. It all seemed like a dream or a cartoon. After a few seconds of that soon these bright triangular looking shapes would move towards me and form into a tunnel like formation. I just let the triangles fly towards me until I would start giggling.

The downside of being here out side was the mosquitoes. So after about 45 minutes of staring at the sky and laughing we decided to leave. D was still not feeling any effects of the shrooms and was kinda perturbed by this. He had done shrooms twice before and had good experiences with them. When we left we finally were going to see our other friend A. Who i had forgotten about because i was feeling so incredible from the shrooms.

On the way downtown I just sat there at thought so many things. The shrooms had opened my mind. This mind opening experience is easy to explain. It feels as if I'm a million miles away from where i am just solving mankind's problems, and figuring out every thing that is wrong in the world. also between my thinking and sitting we smoked another bowl.

When we got to A's place D collapsed in the middle of an intersection and didn't get up for about 20 seconds he said he blacked out. I told him to come to the corner behind some bushes and he could lay down. He did and he said he blacked out again. for about 3-4 minutes D laid there.

We eventually got to A's place. Then we almost immediately left and went driving around and smoked some bowls. At this point my trip was almost gone and the end of the night came soon after that.

On a side note, to make the shroom juice you need:

panty hose
a pot of water

1) Make the pot of water near boiling without actually boiling the water
2) Put however many shrooms you are going to use in the panty hose
3) Place the shrooms/pantyhose in the water and wait till the water turns black
4) Squeeze the pantyhose and let the black liquid drip out
5) Poor in pitcher and add kool-aid
6) Enjoy

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 17524
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2005Views: 558
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Mushrooms (39) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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