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When It Is Someone You Love
Crack Cocaine
Citation:   Anonymous. "When It Is Someone You Love: An Experience with Crack Cocaine (exp1452)". Oct 18, 2000.

  repeated smoked Crack
I have watched the one person whom I love the most go through a crack addiction and is still fighting it. My boyfriend was hooked and is still hooked to crack. He has stole from banks, from friends, from friends parents. He was introduced to it by his own very mother.

I have watched him crawl around on the floor repeating over and over 'there's got to be more, there's got to be more'. When he hit rock bottom and started injecting needles and he spent 5000 dollars in it in 2 days, he realized he needed help and he came to me. I put him in a detox hospital and he released himself 7 days later to smoke some more.

He cried that night that he would rather be dead than hurt anybody else. But that wasn't the end. The end finally came when he and I physically fought along with my sister and her boyfriend to get my money and bank card away from him and that finally sunk it in. He had never hit a girl before and he did that night, just for the drugs. He hasn't used since that night and has claimed that his chapter is over. We can only hope for him that it is...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 1452
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 18, 2000Views: 17,380
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Crack (82) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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