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I Became More Aware of My Body
Citation:   Godbless. "I Became More Aware of My Body: An Experience with Cannabis (exp117896)". Sep 27, 2024.

  smoked Cannabis
Back Pain, Physiotherapy, Cannabis and Exercise

I've never been a massive fan of cannabis. In my college years I would consume some of my friends cannabis at party settings with alcohol involved. It would generally make me a bit sick and paranoid.

In recent years I have been suffering a bit of back pain. I would describe it like a tightness or pressure in my lower back. I'm a policeman and drive a lot for work. A few years into my career the back pain started. I put it down to the driving and the very high stress levels at work.

Eventually it got bad and I went to the physio as I was getting worried and depressed about it. I've always been very active and sporty and it was holding me back.

The physio was very professional. He pointed out that I had terrible posture. I had forward head posture and lordosis. He gave me exercises. They helped a lot but the back pain lingered.

I heard that cannabis was good for back pain. I decided to grow it myself. I was surprised how easy it was grow in a greenhouse. I grew the strain moby dick. After harvest I had a new appreciation for the herb. I knew the provenance of the herb, that it wasnt sprayed, that it wasnt the product of some violent cartel, that it was organic.

I experimented with smoking. I found the most positive experience was straight in a pipe with no tobacco and definitely no alcohol. Depression and anxiety I had were lifted. I smoke it in the beautiful national park that is close to where I live and go rambling for hours. The combination of nature and cannabis makes one very high.

This I think is the important bit. While high my back pain did not improve but...I became more aware of my body.
While high my back pain did not improve but...I became more aware of my body.
I found I was carrying my back in a really tensed position, arching it involuntarily almost. I exhaled strongly and practiced the techniques that the physio gave me making a conscious effort to loosen my back into a neutral position. It helped. After the high had worn off and I went back to the work and the usual stress, I would forget this awareness and reverted back to tensing. I would get high again and rediscover this awareness and relaxation which again would help me. Over several months of this my back has really improved. I now have a hugely improved awareness of my body's alignment and am standing better than ever. My pain is hugely improved.

I fear I am boring the reader so I will try to make my conclusion now. I believe the years of stress at my work had made me a depressed anxious person. I knew my body's alignment was off but just could not get over certain mental blocks to fix it. I had suffered back spasms which made me terrified of movement that might trigger them again. Highs after cannabis gave me the mental energy to focus on the awareness of my back and the physio's teachings. Depression and anxiety were lifted letting the light in to illuminate what was wrong with my back. I wasn't as anxious of spasming. Seems obvious on reading but wasn't when I was stuck in pain.

I never overdid it with the cannabis. One smoke of the pipe every 2 or 3 days was enough for me and always in nature exercising. Too much I think your brain gets mushy. Good luck and hopes this helps someone. P.S. Cops are suckers for a smile and good manners.

Exp Year: 2024ExpID: 117896
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 27, 2024Views: 15
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Cannabis (1) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Benefits (32), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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