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Orgasmic and Synesthetic Bliss
Mushrooms & Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   AirConditioner. "Orgasmic and Synesthetic Bliss: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (edible) (exp117645)". Nov 27, 2023.

1 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  2 g oral Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
After a mind-numbing shift at the grocery store, I got an uber and went to hang out with my friend Bambi, who was an hour and a half away, Thursday night, excited for the night to come and trying a psychedelic for the first time.

She and I each had a pot brownie and I decided I wanted to take the shrooms as the effects of the edible are setting in. She mixes my dose of the powderized shrooms with water (about 2g) and tells me to spread it on a slice of bread. She does the same with hers, but with over twice the amount that I took.

The taste of the mushroom-water paste makes me gag but I swallow it down in excitement and trepidation as she does. She and I are making out and starting to feel the effects of the mushrooms. I am lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling fan and there’s all these pink and green atoms materializing, but I’m not tripping yet. I point at them, and she says she sees them as well and we laugh at the fact that we had a shared visual. A song by The Cure is playing (Lovesong I think) and it is freaking me out a little bit, so I requested she put on Santana instead. The Cure’s music had this eerie sounding frequency that felt like it would take the trip somewhere bad if it continued playing. She asks that we turn the light off because it is overstimulating for her, but I ask that we turn it back on because the way the darkness and minimal light casts on her body makes her appear very pale and skeletal. When I got in the bed with her and put the blanket over myself, it felt as if I were being electrocuted by the unpleasant texture, and she shared the feeling.

Bambi and I are fooling around some here and there, and then I go into the bathroom to wash my hands and glimpse at my eyes which are becoming extremely dilated, and I see my face morphing into a werewolf. I manage to stop the distortion by unfocusing my eyes. This visual unnerved me a little bit, but I went back to the bedroom where Bambi and I get naked and melt into each other, losing all care for germs and bodily fluids as we see ourselves as one. I’m hearing my own voice and I’m not sure if it’s the voice of a woman or a man, but I fuck around with sounds and movement some and start saying bluh bluh bluh bluh bluh…. This amuses me quite a bit rather than being terrifying, despite having been confused and distraught over my gender identity in the past as a trans girl.

I feel that being in that state of consciousness where I could hear my inner feminine voice resonating along with the outer masculine voice allowed me to see them as one, and this crisis of gender identity became resolved. I start feeling like I need to go to the bathroom and stumble there where Santana is playing, hugging a naked lady shower curtain and then laying on the floor, becoming immersed in and very orgasmic with the guitar sounds. The song that was playing was a cover of While My Guitar Gently Weeps. During the psychedelic induced synesthesia, the sounds of the guitar were beams of sunlight, and along with the bathroom light, the room felt uncomfortably bright.

I had randomly puked on her living room floor a little, since the phobia of puking was gone, and I had kind of just let it happen. In my mind, it was all good as my body was doing what it needed to do and the sober inhibitions around throwing up were gone. Mundane things like drinking water felt amazing, and in my state, vomiting was an equally necessary and beautiful bodily function.
Mundane things like drinking water felt amazing, and in my state, vomiting was an equally necessary and beautiful bodily function.
While I’m on the toilet trying to poop, Bambi is incapacitated in the bathtub and vomits all over herself. She was undoubtedly tripping way harder than I was despite this not being her first time with the substance. I would focus on an object, and it would appear to get bigger and smaller simultaneously, a phenomenon I referred to as ‘reality spillowing out of control’. The effect was like a tesseract (4D Hypercube) GIF and affected a lot of my visual input. The room begins to stop pulsing and moving, and I help Bambi clean all the vomit off herself, as we’re both coming down from it around 4 or 5am. I remember thinking that this was disgusting but that the interconnectedness between us overrode the gross factor. I told her that having cerebral palsy was okay and that I’ll hold her up when she needs.

This was overall a positive but intense experience for me and one I wouldn’t mind having again. Bambi's cat was an amazing trip buddy, looking out for us and making sure we were well. I’m still feeling very wired and unsure if I’m going to be able to sleep so Bambi and I smoke a bowl in the aftermath of the trip before laying back down.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 117645
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 27, 2023Views: 14
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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