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Accidental Dissociative Trip
Citation:   Alien. "Accidental Dissociative Trip: An Experience with Delta-8-THC (exp116997)". Feb 1, 2023.

3 mg oral delta-8-THC (liquid)
I intended to take delta 8 and normally take 25mg in a capsule and it is pretty potent. This time I took an oil sublingually so that possibly having eaten too recently wouldn’t interfere with it. But I was too tired to do math in my head and wound up taking an entire mL where the bottle is 1 oz and contains 1000mg. I think an ounce is 30mL so I think I actually took 33.3mg
The reason I was going to take it was both because I find it helps with thought spirals and relaxing, which I have been having trouble with, and I got food poisoning a few days ago and have had trouble eating enough since and I hoped it would help with that. I have been using it because right now I don’t have access to regular weed and I like delta 8 better in some ways.

I realized I probably took too much as soon as I took it but I didn’t want to spit it out or something and I did some math and was relieved that it didn’t seem to be horifically too much. But I did end up with some really intense effects a bit later. The only other drugs I have any experience with are weed, mushrooms, LSD, and DXM (2nd plateau, only once, not that long ago).

I wound up making a lot of comparisons between this and both mushrooms and DXM. Someone else I know has suspected that delta 8 is a dissociative and this would appear to confirm that. There is a lot I wrote down while experiencing it. The following is copy pasted text from a private conversation on Discord. The few parts the other person typed are surrounded by brackets

Okay so I got dizzy and feeling floaty and am now laying down and walking feels almost like the 2nd plateau of DXM
The body feels heavy and alternates between not feeling anything and feeling pleasurable sort of gentle electric jolts that seem to be sort of rocketing around different parts of the body in a circle like those games at kids gambling centers with the flashing light rapidly moving across these white tabs around the perimeter of a huge round table thing
There is a feeling of very intense euphoria and joy specifically in the chest area around the heart and moving up to the head
It's getting really difficult to type without scrambling words around
It might become even more intense soon
Mouth feels really dry, worse than normal for weed, though that could also have to do with using the oil sublingually, that also probably caused a somewhat faster comeup and possibly more intense effects
Almost or possibly did have a slight hallucination like how you would get on mushrooms
It's almost like a cross between the effects of 2nd plateau DXM cut in half and maybe 1 to 3 grams of mushrooms
Tingling sensations have gotten larger and crossing the head and erasing the current train of thought like the brain zaps from ssri withdrawal but instead of painful it feels heavy and numbing if not kind of good
Rest of body is extremely heavy and numb
Okay this is a little scary
My chest feels weighed down and it is hard to breathe and I feel lightheaded, body started breathing in a robot way like the way things are done on DXM
Update: not quite as bad
Actual chest pressure is because we need to burp a lot but couldn't feel it so the gas just pressed on lungs
But now robot body is sitting up and remembering to burp every few seconds
We ate too much pudding
Weird, muscles are twitching like mushrooms
(further evidence toward my suspicions that delta 8 is a dissociative)
It is
It doesn't feel anything like being high ona bunch of regular weed
The head feeling isn't there, it's in the body instead
Very extremely reduced pain sensations
And numbness, it is getting worse in extremities
But I suspect this would help a significant amount if you were in really bad pain
Can almost feel nothing, at this point at least I think it might be a stronger sensation reduction than 2nd plateau DXM and if not it's equal
Weird sensations in chest like heart is fluttering
Could feel worrying but my suspicion is I'm not in a lot of danger and it's largely an illusory sensation
It's actually like the phsyical sensations for mushrooms except in heart instead of or in addition to stomach and intestines
I think I will be okay but it was clearly a high enough dose to have some psychedelic effects as well as dissociative
Getting up to use the bathroom works the same as on DXM
Possibly a little milder than what I experienced on 2nd plateau

Note: the reason the word “we” was used is because I am a plural system and using “we” to describe myself came naturally. The drug did not cause a particular headmate to front, I guess we sort of all blurred together perhaps, that happened with LSD.

I wound up saying good night and said I needed to lie down and close my eyes and wanted to see if I had any visuals. I used the bathroom again and my kitten attacked and bit my ankles as he usually does when I use the bathroom at night, and I noticed that the reduced pain sensation did not last very long and now I could feel pain normally again, although I didn’t get emotionally upset from it. My body automatically did the normal routine of trying to dodge and the movements were just as fluid as if I was sober. I realized that when I took DXM, drinking water from a water bottle felt like running a program, and I had to decide to do it and then it just happened. Drinking water this time felt a little like running a program but the motions were fluid and it felt a little automatic but also felt like doing it normally while sober.

I also at one point heard music separate into layers of sound, it was pretty neat. When I closed my eyes I did have visuals, the first thing I saw was pretty vivid, it was a bunch of letters in a white beige color and I saw a couple words but then it turned into a bunch of Os rapidly side scrolling along a slight curve. At one point I nearly saw numbers.

There were some detailed things but most of the visuals were pretty abstract and simplified. I haven’t gotten very many visuals with mushrooms but got extremely intense visuals with DXM. Most of what I saw looked like the few mushroom visuals I was lucky enough to get but they were more interesting, spontaneous, and creative. I knew I saw some cartoon type things for a bit. For one moment I saw something detailed but it was only a small square of detail and the rest was void. Also sometimes there would be something really detailed but it would just be in my imagination, and then I would actually see something but it would be simple and abstract. These were all closed eye visuals. I did have one slight thing that could be a hallucination earlier with my eyes open.

It really felt a lot like a cross between a psychedelic and a dissociative. The images were random but there would occasionally be a bit of psychedelic wisdom. I had an experience of some energy passing through an area of tension in my stomach that was causing me to not eat enough and it may have healed that issue.

I felt intense ASMR type head tingling sensations that were very pleasurable and also almost felt sexual pleasure but the ASMR sensation was much stronger. I slept extremely well and I think deeply and now it is the next morning and I feel very good, there might be a slight afterglow effect.

This was very interesting and unexpected. I feel like it would have been terrifying to take this much delta 8 if I didn’t know what a dissociative was and had never taken any kind of hallucinogen and wasn’t prepared for it. I can now understand why people go to the ER for overdosing on edibles. I probably would have been really afraid if not for having prior experience with both mushrooms and DXM, but I mostly had a very good time. I don’t feel like this suppressed fear as much as most other drugs seem to, but the euphoria was very intense and I think there might have been some fear suppression on a mental level, just not a physical one. This experience may have been very good for me. I am sharing this in case someone else wants to try it, but also to try to help prevent anyone from doing it by accident if they don’t know what they are getting into.

Exp Year: 2023ExpID: 116997
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Feb 1, 2023Views: 1,745
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