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I Wish I Had Stopped at the Second Redose
Citation:   sartre. "I Wish I Had Stopped at the Second Redose: An Experience with 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (exp115706)". Sep 27, 2021.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 1:45 0.5 tablets oral 4-Fluoromethylphenidate  
  T+ 4:30 0.3 tablets insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (ground / crushed)
  T+ 6:00 0.3 tablets insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (ground / crushed)
  T+ 7:00 0.3 tablets insufflated 4-Fluoromethylphenidate (ground / crushed)
  T+ 12:00 0.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 14:00 1.5 mg oral Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00     Cannabis  
ADHD Treatment Potential, Avoid Redosing!


Due to my ADHD and high-demanding job, I have been on the search for Adderall which has seemingly become harder to get and more expensive. Perhaps I am just getting older. My vendor for various chemicals recently listed ‘pressed’ Adderall and transparently told me they were dosed with 20mg of 4F-MPH. After reading some glowing reviews on the therapeutic potential, I excitedly pulled the trigger. It’s also worth noting that while I much prefer Adderall, I do enjoy Ritalin. It seems those who don’t enjoy Ritalin don’t enjoy 4F-MPH, which would make sense as 4F-MPH is merely fluorinated Ritalin (MPH > 4F-MPH).

For background, I have a long history of drug use and notably had a stint with Adderall / Ritalin. While I have a low stim tolerance today I am subjectively convinced I have a permanent tolerance to these classes of drugs. I would also caution readers to take all RC reviews with a grain of salt. It's becoming increasingly clear labs in China and Europe are shipping chemicals of widely different potency. That is if they are even sending the right chemical. Often they will mix in or straight up sell unpopular chemicals under more popular brand titles. I strongly believe this is the reason for the vast discrepancies in RC reports - proceed with caution.

I decide on a busy Monday I would wake up early to take half a tablet to start slow as I’ve read reports of even 5m having strong effects.


T+ 0:00 - I snap a pill in half and swallow 10mg. I am extremely groggy and end up just laying in bed for 30 minutes.

T+ 0:30 - Energy starts to creep in on me, there is a nice buzz and mood lift. I go to the coffee shop to get some food and a large coffee.

T+ 0:45 - Driving to the coffee shop was a blast, music was distinctly amazing and singing along just felt so good.

T+ 1:00 - I arrive home and remark to myself that I am wired. Speaking is very enjoyable and I really wish I had someone to talk to. I am quickly multi-tasking between work, youtube and social media. I note this feels much like a cross between Ritalin and Adderall. Light euphoria, mood lift and ego boost.

T+ 1:30 - Extremely focused on work. The buzz is a bit of a tease and fades in and out. Considering redosing but for safety purposes it's been too early and I wait. I note I have no sex drive but could eat. I am disinterested in my coffee.

T+ 1:45 - Have become tired and lost interest in work. Decide it is time to redose another 10mg orally. I am surprised at how quickly the peak has faded considering the long duration of this chemical I’ve read so much about.

T+ 2:00 - Very lethargic and bored. Starting to feel the redose creep in. There are so many warnings about redosing I am a bit nervous about the road I am heading down.

T 2:30 - And we’re back. Wired and focused. Excited for my team meeting. When I do join, I am overly talkative and try to insert myself into every conversation. I normally have a near phobia of speaking so this is a marked difference.

T+ 3:00 - I note once again how much of a tease this drug is. So close to that euphoric Adderall feeling but just not there. One prone to chasing the dragon like myself may be enticed to by this chemical. The focus, however, is fantastic.

T+ 4:00 - It’s gone again, seems the peak only lasts for an hour before falling into a somewhat dysphoric focus. Not the 2-4 hour peak I had originally read about.

T+ 4:30 - I’ve switched to insufflation to hopefully lower the length of effects. I hope to fall asleep by midnight and it is now noon. Snorted 7mg, effects are instantaneous. Only a slight burn, nothing like MDMA. Much more of a rush. This feels much more recreational as the rush is great. Immediately back to where I was earlier.

T+ 5:00: Still have a nice buzz, I seem to prefer intranasally as a ROA. Hands are starting to shake but still no anxiety. A friend reached out to me and I am so excited I have someone to talk to.

T+ 6:00 Snorted another 7mg. Redosing is starting to not bring back the rush and only add to the negative stim effects. However I feel compelled to chase the high I had this morning.

T+ 7:00 Snorted another 7mg. Redosing is now completely useless, I wish I had stopped at the second redose.
T+ 7:00 Snorted another 7mg. Redosing is now completely useless, I wish I had stopped at the second redose.

T+ 8:00 Becoming grump and anxious while still stimmed. Eyes are wide open. I have very little desire to work or talk to anyone.

T+ 9:30 The residual stim has now become somewhat enjoyable?

T+ 10 30 Still stimmed, realizing redosing was a massive mistake. Very hard to eat.

T+ 11:00 The feeling of being stimmed for so long is really starting to give me anxiety.

T+ 12:00 I take 0.5mg of Xanax in an attempt to calm myself down.

T+ 14:00 I’ve now taken up to 2mg in Xanax which has taken the edge off but the residual 4F-MPH is still keeping my brain racing. I’ve played online poker for nearly 6 hours now.

T+ 20:00 Still awake, it is now 4am. The mix of 4F-MPH, Xanax and weed is actually blissful. While I know I’ve ruined tomorrow I am absolutely enthralled with a Boards of Canada documentary. The music sounds unbelievable.

In Retrospect:

I fell asleep somewhere around 5am and woke up at 8am. I didn’t feel horrible but I assume that’s the benzos still floating around in my system. Had I not had benzos I probably would have freaked out.

Even at my highest peak I really felt no anxiety or other negative stim effects other than a rise in body temp and clammy hands. The comedown wasn't fun but there were points I enjoyed the residual stim. There were also points where I became very overwhelmed by being stimmed for over 18 hours. But no suicidal thoughts or extreme dysphoria. Just good ol’ insomnia.

Do. Not. Redose. If you must, plan your redose, only do it once and do it early in the morning. This drug lasts FOREVER.

If it wasn’t for the extremely long acting duration this would be the perfect study drug. In the right doses it is a clean, focused high.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115706
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Sep 27, 2021Views: 3,129
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4-Fluoromethylphenidate (728) : Combinations (3), Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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