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Faster Onset of Effect
Spice-Like Smoking Blends
by Jmac
Citation:   Jmac. "Faster Onset of Effect: An Experience with Spice-Like Smoking Blends (exp114763)". Sep 30, 2020.

50 - 75 mg smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (plant material)
First Qualitative Experience

2.5gr pack purchased online, my first time trying a synthetic or incense product. I always thought these things were bunk right up until they were banned about a decade ago. Having no access to proper cannabis, I recently decided to look it up and see if they were still available online and what they are about. I did my research and went ahead and purchased a pack which arrived in due course through the post a week later.

I rolled a smoke using a chocolate blunt wrap with a gram of hemp leaf as filler and a very sparse sprinkling of the incense, maybe 50-75mg. I lit it and took a couple of hits and put it down again. I could feel it come on strong and fast after about three minutes. Amazing!, almost identical to real cannabis and very similar to the Thai cannabis I used to smoke.

After about 35 minutes, the high started to wane a little so I took another couple of hits from the joint and extinguished it again. I continued to do this throughout the night and after a few hours it was finished. My head was quite fuzzy at the end of the night considering the amount of product I had smoked. I noticed the high was a little different from a cannabis high. It was all in the head and yet my head felt clearer than with cannabis. The high only lasted half the length of time compared to cannabis yet it seems at least twice as strong and with faster onset of effect. I don't feel like smoking this all of the time is worthwhile however if I am fiending for a smoke then it does the job.

Exp Year: 2020ExpID: 114763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 50
Published: Sep 30, 2020Views: 779
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