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Cannabidiol (in honey) & Cannabis (resin)
Citation:   Drugdandy. "Cannahoney: An Experience with Cannabidiol (in honey) & Cannabis (resin) (exp108426)". May 4, 2016.

  smoked Cannabis (tar / resin)
  2 Tbsp oral Cannabidiol (extract)
About two weeks ago, I ordered a 6oz. (25mg per oz.) jar of CBD-infused wildflower honey from California. I ordered it as a bit of a novelty type of thing and slightly in the hopes of it possibly having some sort of an anxiolytic effect on me (I take Wellbutrin, aka bupropion, daily and I feel this works great for me and I experience little to no anxiety on this, but was just curious of CBD’s supposed anxiolytic properties.) I was also well-aware of the noted lack of psychoactive effects from CBD by itself (at least until high doses and a more immediate method of ingestion). I didn’t care, it was honey and cannabis-related and that was enough for me to make the purchase.

9:15pm (approx.) - I ingest two US tablespoons of the CBD-infused wildflower honey. Tastes like regular honey, though it has a slight taste-resemblance to olive oil (in a nice way); it is not as sweet as most honey and I'm not just talking about that bear container shit (of which this is a higher quality). In the aftertaste, I get a hint of that ever-present taste of cannabis found in edibles. It is quite nice.

9:37-9:32pm – I ingest (smoke) seven decent to big hits of cannabis resin from my bowl. I am high. It is 9:45 and the high has intensified since the first few minutes of my last hit. The honey has definitely had an effect on the high from the resin; I feel that my resin, while of course having some indica type properties, is, for the most part, made up of resin from Sativa, as I feel more often than not, I get either high sativa strains (Sours in NYC, am I right?) or hybrids, and I definitely feel more of a body high right now. While not sleepy, I am also feeling more sedated than I would on a high sativa strain.

The honey does have quite a nice taste and is not overly sweet. This combination is also good for someone such as myself who prefers the high of indica trains.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108426
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 4, 2016Views: 9,317
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Cannabidiol (596), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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