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Measure Your Dose
Citation:   friedjesseradio. "Measure Your Dose: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp106560)". Feb 7, 2017.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 4:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 4:00   smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I’m writing this in hopes of saving some people some truly unwanted experiences. Even when I told my close friend about this, he replied, “man, I wish I could have that happen” but let me tell you, its all really too much. I had purchased 250mg of 5meo-dmt synthesized powder from a trusted vendor. I had smoked about 10mg once before of this same batch and really enjoyed it and thats my only experience with it. I had also taken 20mg of XR adderall about 4 hours before smoking this time around.

So my brother, named G, and I were chilling at our sisters house alone with nothing to do. My brother asks if I want to smoke some weed. I agree but ask if he wants to try some 5meo-dmt on top. He agrees so I go get my stash and sprinkle some on top of the bowl he had packed. He smokes and holds it in for as long as he can. We talk as I sprinkle some on the bowl for myself. I am able to get one large crumb of compacted powder and a smaller piece follows it on top of the weed.

I bring the lighter close to the bowl. I inhale and watch the 5meo-dmt vaporize from the flame. I can taste plastic and sunscreen yet the smoke is not harsh at all. Very smooth and natural. There is only a few minutes between my brother’s dose and mine. G is laying on the floor laughing hysterically and telling me he loves.

As I’m sitting on the couch, I can feel an unbelievable high taking over my chest and face. Next I feel a rush down my legs and flowing into my feet as I watch colors intensify exponentially in front of my eyes. My whole presence is overwhelmed by a shuttering or strobe rather. Its as if I’m blinking at an unprecedented rate that I’ve never before seen. Everything is becoming unreal. I didn’t know anything could get this intense. I stand only to test out my physical abilities. I imagine what it would be like if my mom were to walk through the door and find me in this state so I lock the door. There is absolutely no way I could act normal right now. I keep thinking, “its like its not real.” The intensity of everything keeps growing to a frightening level. I sit on the couch and notice that when I stop moving, the shuttering stops.

By now the strobe I was experiencing had become so strong and every single flash felt like an instant electrical shock to my whole body. When the frame rate of the shuttering stops while I sit still, I notice that time has stopped as well. I sat and watched one instant freeze for seconds. I lay down on the couch, still with G on the ground close to me. By now I have fallen into the back of my mind and had closed my eyes without even realizing it. All the while, G is playing a song off his phone and I am keeping track of time passing by listening to that song. I see my soul as a light traveling through darkness as it illuminates different memories to its left and right. I reach the end of the tunnel and I want to show G how I am tripping so I stick my head through this large viewing hole. I begin to watch all sorts of complex patterns, fractals and movements of every color imaginable. After watching for maybe 20-30 seconds, I realized that I had other interesting things to check out so I opened my eyes and sat up. The only problem was I thought I was still stuck in my mind. I didn’t believe that the G that I saw was my real brother. I was convinced I was still laying on the couch with my eyes closed and the G I was looking at was just a manifestation of my mind.

It was truly frightening that I knew who I was and who G was, I only didn’t know when I was. I could have been 1 to 99 years old. I looked to my right and recognized the room as my sisters old house and looked to my left and recognized my sisters new house. I thought I was trapped in my mind, in a trans-dimensional place my tripping brain had concocted. This was all happening right before my eyes but I did not believe a second of it was actually happening. I had laid back down in an attempt to be able to get back up into the real world and not the one I thought was happening in my head. As I did this, I was convinced that I kept jumping to different parts throughout my life and that now I was stuck in this time loop.

Fear rushed over me as I started thinking my only way to get out of this would be to shoot myself in the head then I would wake up in the real world. Everything was all happening so quickly. G had somewhat been trying to communicate with me throughout this whole deal but I could not properly convey my messages by speaking. By now, the song G had been playing on his phone had stopped and I realized I was wandering in my mind again with my eyes closed. I knew that with no song for my mind to run with, time would stop if I didn’t move. I knew I was going to sober up and I knew that I just had to wait it out.
I knew I was going to sober up and I knew that I just had to wait it out.

I decided to make time run at a normal speed, I had to keep moving so I decided to do rock back and forth on the couch. It wasn’t long before I heard G ask, “what are you doing?” and I tried to explain to him but I kept being too descriptive and getting lost in my explanation. He asked if he needed to call an ambulance and I replied no. He asked if this stuff was safe and if I’m supposed to mix with adderall. I hesitated before I let out an “I don’t know.” As I’m rocking back and forth only to pass time, my mind takes over this SpeedRacer like track where my five senses are each competing in their own completely different game show to win over my sobriety. My mouth is becoming increasingly dry so I ask G for water. I forget I’m at our sisters house and think I’m going through all of this at our parents house. I can see my parents, brother, sisters, neighbor and bystanders all start to crowd around me as I am regaining sobriety. Really I am still in my sister’s house alongside only my brother. I almost ask my brother, “tell all these people to get the f*** away.” He slowly pours water into my open mouth and I thank him while I keep rocking back and forth. I can visualize my soul as the Pokemon Blastoise coming up through the ground in a neon rebirth into the real world.

Within minutes of what seemed like a worrisome forever, I was able to open my eyes again, still occasionally rocking back and forth on instinct now. I kept my eyes open for fear of getting lost in my mind again. I sat up to talk with G and explain some things. After everything became manageable, I had looked up an interaction between adderall and 5meo-dmt to find it was only negligible. I had then reconsidered my dose and it was obviously way too high. I honestly estimate it around 35mg. Consider a compacted chunk of product to weigh substantially heavier than the fluffier powder counterpart. The whole experience is something I never want to relive but it has taught me to not be lazy and to weigh out my doses.
The whole experience is something I never want to relive but it has taught me to not be lazy and to weigh out my doses.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106560
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 7, 2017Views: 2,049
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3)

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