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Rectally via Murphy Drip
by Bob
Citation:   Bob. "Rectally via Murphy Drip: An Experience with Kratom (exp105722)". Erowid.org. Oct 6, 2015. erowid.org/exp/105722

50 ml rectal Kratom (liquid)
Four grams of kratom were mixed with 100 ml of tap water and boiled in a microwave (30-60 seconds). The hot slurry was then filtered. The filter cake was reboiled 4 more times, after which, it was discarded. This resulted in approximately 500 ml of a medium-dark brown liquid. This liquid was then reduced, by boiling, to about 50 ml.

Prior to use, the liquid was reboiled to ensure sterility. The liquid was allowed to cool down to room temperature. It was then administered by Murphy Drip. A Murphy drip is basically an Infusion for your bum- composed of an upside down water bottle cut in half, an IV kit, and the tip from an enema bulb.

The dose came on within 20 minutes of administration. It feels like a much higher dose of kratom. This is an interesting and harmless ROA- Highly effective. I sterilize any solutions that are going to find themselves where the sun does not shine. Do not worry about aseptic technique, its basically going into a septic tank anyways. The boiling is more to avoid parasitic infection.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105722
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Oct 6, 2015Views: 13,607
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