Saturday March 21 I chose to journey into mindspace with the help of LSD. At ten p.m. I ingested 3 hits of white blotter after a 13 hour fast. I chewed the paper for a good ten minutes before spitting it into the garbage. This was my first time fasting before an LSD trip. The setting was my brother's house. He was present but wasn't tripping.

A word or two about fasting. I choose to fast before my trips for a number of reasons. For one thing, it is very practical. The substance in question will absorb more quickly and effectively if it is the only thing in your stomach. Also, I think any nausea or gastrointestinal upset can be minimized by having an empty stomach. The most important reason though is focus. Every time I feel a hunger pang I am reminded of what is to come, and why I am doing it. It is an observance and preparation for the body, mind and soul. I have recently chosen to switch to 13 and 23 hour fasts (rather than 12/24) since 13 and 23 are both numbers with magico-religous significance to me.

After about 30 minutes I felt the first effects of the acid. The lights in the room started to sparkle and I felt a little edgy. I got up from the stool I was sitting on and layed down on the floor to be more comfortable.

The effects intensified over the next twenty minutes or so. I started to notice some movement in my visual field with eyes open, and when I closed my eyes there were faint eyelid movies there. At roughly T+1 hour I was definitely past the coming on phase and into the trip proper.

I had some weird body effects intermittently. I experienced some muscle tremors and twitches similar to what I get on 2CB from time to time. These aren't unpleasant, just a little annoying. I also had a small amount of stomach discomfort, but it was very mild. I was very hungry, and ate a small amount of yogurt. As usual, it was somewhat difficult for me to eat during the early stages of an LSD trip.

About this time I decided to have a balloon of nitrous. I hadn't tried nitrous on LSD since the first time I had tried nitrous, almost a year before. I filled and inhaled the balloon and was deposited into the swirling, flanged world of nitrous with ease. It greatly intensified the visuals, as movement became more frantic and the colors began to cycle wildly. I think I am beginning to get a pretty good idea what nitrous adds to the experience as I become more experienced with it. Although it isn't particularly visual itself (for me, anyway) it tends to intensify the visual aspect of whatever it is used with while effecting a sort of ego-release that isn't quite the same as the ego death of the traditional psychedelics. This ego-release can help one feel more merged with the experience, and can greatly ease body discomfort and mental stress for a few moments.

After the balloon my trip was really rolling. I was getting a fair amount of movement and patterning over everything, and the world seemed more full of color than it usually does. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw someone moving a couple of times, but when I turned to look, there was no one there. My mind was fairly clear and my ego was mostly intact. The effects seemed to come and go in waves, sort of like a mushroom trip.

I did another balloon a little later. Again, it enhanced the visuals and made me feel nice and tingly. At this time I was inspired to try some 5-MeO-DMT. I had heard from several sources that it was particularly nice when used in conjunction with LSD and I had had a great experience with it the day before. Since my trip so far had been pleasant, I decided to see what I could see.

I got out my pipe and loaded some parsley on top of some ash. Onto this went a small amount of 5- MeO crystal. I have no idea how much. I was tripping fairly decently and had trouble figuring out how much to use. As I finished loading it up my brother's roommate T came home. She asked what we were up to and then noticed the balloons. She asked if she could have one and we assented. As she inhaled the balloon I smoked the 5-MeO in one big hit.

I just had time to set the pipe down before being plowed under. I had a vague awareness of the room (I could hear T inhaling part of her balloon, but it seemed millions of miles away) but my being was mostly concerned with the rippling pattern that was rapidly becoming my reality. It was very similar to my experience the day before, but more colorful and I sank into it easier and more quickly (due to the dosage or the LSD, I can't say). I lay there experiencing cosmic unity for a bit before starting to return to my body. As I came back I was aware that my breathing was weird and I had a fair amount of nausea. I was fairly sure I was going to puke for a minute, but I didn't. For a few minutes afterward all I could say was "Wow...far out" and things along that line. The after effects intensified the visuals and made me feel somewhat electrified.

Soon after that my brother went to bed, leaving me alone. I continued to lay on the floor, letting my mind wander and listening to music. From time to time I inhaled more nitrous balloons. Each time I did one I enjoyed a brief shower of visuals, but they seemed less impressive each time. About four or five hours into it I smoked a small amount of high quality cannabis. Rather than intensifying the trip it mellowed me out and put me into sort of a trance. I sat at the counter where I smoked it zoning off for a good ten minutes.

After that I returned to the floor and relaxed. I lay there listening to music for another hour or so. Around this time I decided I wouldn't mind sleeping, so I loaded and smoked some mediocre weed. This had the desired "stoney" effect and I was able to relax deeply. However, it also made me paranoid. Both pot and acid can have that effect on me from time to time. I began to worry about all sorts of unlikely things. Luckily, I recognized the paranoia for what it was, and though I was unable to get rid of it, I knew I wasn't in any real danger.

After a snack and a little more pot I was able to lie down and fall asleep. I am not sure what time I finally got to sleep, but it was probably at least T+6 hours (4 a.m.). My sleep wasn't deep and I was still tired when I woke up at 9 the next morning.

The mixture of 5-MeO and LSD was tremendous. I will definitely be visiting that realm again, given the chance. I am also curious to try salvia with LSD, since I have heard good things about that mixture as well. A word of warning: don't mix these drugs unless you are very experienced and comfortable with extremely intense experiences. I can easily imagine it precipitating a freak out in someone unprepared for the intensity.

This was another nice trip. Again, it wasn't a super profound experience, but it was a nice visit to a pleasant, familiar state of consciousness. During the trip I noticed it had a sort of "generic" feel to it. It seems like it lacked definition. I am eager to explore higher doses of LSD, as well as mixtures with other drugs to see if this aspect changes at all.

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