My friend J's 20th birthday was the occasion for another 5-MeO-DIPT trip. I like to try drugs in a variety of situations and environments, and J's house party to celebrate his birthday seemed like a good place to try a new level, 20 mg. I figured it was a pretty friendly environment and my ride knew I was at a new level and was willing to leave if things got too intense for me. J took 15 mg to keep me company and celebrate his exit from his teenage years.

We swallowed our capsules around 11:00 p.m. Within 25 or 30 minutes I was feeling an altered awareness and a sense of stimulation. J was DJing as I walked up and asked if he was feeling it yet. He indicated he was and I wandered off to see what was going on elsewhere.

It was a medium intensity house party. There were maybe two dozen people present, of whom I knew maybe half. Most were altering their consciousness one way or another. There was plenty of alcohol and cannabis and a few people were on ecstasy. It made for a pretty mellow if not entirely cohesive vibe.

I spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen talking to J's girlfriend T. We hadn't seen each other in a while and the foxy was putting me in a chatty mood. I also talked to several other people, pretty much whoever came by. I got involved in a lengthy conversation with a guy who was telling me about his quest to become a shaman. The foxy seemed to deepen my interest in what others had to say, but not to anywhere near the same degree that MDMA does.

J came up from the DJ room and cursed at me for getting him too fucked up to spin records. I just grinned an evil grin at him and laughed. We chatted for a while, also mostly catching up on what we'd been up to respectively since we had last talked. He was feeling nauseous and excused himself to vomit after we had talked for about twenty minutes. I was feeling some slight nausea, but was in no danger of throwing up. He had been drinking earlier in the evening, which I believe accounted for his more extreme nausea.

I felt a little dehydrated and very, very high. There were some visuals, mostly a tendency for things in my peripheral vision to begin "creeping". Things also seemed to have added depth and in some cases to be charged with some sort of energy that made them shimmer. I felt like colored haloes were on the verge of erupting from the edges of objects but this never manifested.

I was very stimulated, almost uncomfortably so. I had a lot of nervous energy and not much to do with it. I danced on and off to the music coming from the DJ dungeon in the basement, but it was hard to stay inspired since I was basically the only person dancing.

I met a very strange guy (we'll call him K). He walked up to me and said, "We're just two white chicks talking about techno". I told him I didn't usually think of myself as the female gender and he replied that he didn't usually think of himself as white (he was very white). The conversation just got weirder and weirder from there and I wasn't at all surprised when he mentioned the DMT elves and asked if I had ever seen them. I told them I hadn't but related my experiences with ayahuasca and 5-MeO-DMT to him. The conversation ranged over politics, metaphysics, insanity, chemistry and spiritual possession, as well as other strange topics. All things considered it was one of the stranger conversations I have ever had. And he wasn't even tripping!

My night continued to be more than a little odd. I met another strange guy who claimed to be some sort of techno messiah. In his words, "they are all waiting for me to lead them". He went on to explain that his persona of a reckless, loud drunk was an act to protect himself from the attention of those who might persecute him. He was very drunk, but talked an amazing line of shit. I was amused by his shtick, but quite unconvinced (obviously). He was an interesting guy, however.

Around 2:00 a.m. J ate some mushrooms and went off into even weirder territory. I was feeling fine with what I had already taken and chose not to add to it. I was still wandering around having curious conversations with people and observing my trip. It was mostly pleasant, didn't impair my ability to hang out and interact with others in various states of consciousness. I did feel a little over stimulated and had a heightened sexual awareness that was annoying, since there was no one appropriate to direct it towards.

I stayed there until 4:30 a.m. or so then said my good-byes and went back to the house I was staying at. My friends who lived there (N and L) were rolling. They decided to take some 5-MeO-DIPT on top of their waning E. We all sat up talking and reviewing the events of our respective trips. It was a nice, warm, cuddly vibe, very relaxed. I gave L a hand massage and ate a granola bar and some cookies.

I started to feel tired and decided it would be a good time to smoke some pot and wind down for the evening. We passed around a bowl of stale kind bud and I ended up getting quite high. It smoothed out my descent and when I finally lay down I managed to fall asleep without too much trouble.

5-MeO-DIPT was OK for hanging out at a party, but not highly recommended. MDMA would have been more fun overall. It was a little too energetic for the setting and I think that 20 mg was maybe a bit too much anyway. If I take that high (or higher) of a dose again I will split it into two intervals and space them out.

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