One morning, before work, I found myself with a little time on my hands. I had the urge to trip, so I decided a quick 5-MeO-DMT shot would be appropriate. I figured it would put me in a good mental state for my impending workday.

I got my 5-MeO-DMT pipe and examined it. I could see that there was a fair amount of 5-MeO crystallized in the stem and on the bottom of the pipe. I decided to try and vaporize the material already in the pipe rather than loading up more from my dwindling supply. I put on my headphones, started a CD and picked up the pipe.

I heated the bowl and stem, drawing steadily on the pipe as I did so. When I couldn't suck anymore I sat down and waited to see if I had gotten anything. It became apparent within thirty seconds that I had gotten a little taste, but not enough for an actual trip. I picked the pipe back up and heated the bottom until I saw a small amount of vapor in the pipe. At that point I inhaled deeply and held the smoke for fifteen or twenty seconds. As soon as I exhaled I repeated the process, getting more vapor than the initial hit. I set the pipe down and awaited the onset of effects.

This time I'd gotten more, enough for substantial effects, but not quite enough for a full breakthrough. I closed my eyes and sensed vague geometric forms coalescing out of the blackness. The music sounded extraordinarily good and I noted to myself that 5-MeO-DMT was fairly suitable for light dosing in this situation. I never went out of body, experienced ego loss or perceived any cosmic dimensions but the experience was nice nonetheless. If it were longer lasting, trips of that intensity would be more interesting, but a ten minute experience of that intensity just doesn't seem to be very useful in my opinion.

After a few minutes I decided to smoke a bit more. By now I had gotten most of what was left in the pipe so I loaded up a bit more. My hands were shaking slightly (a common aftereffect of 5-MeO-DMT), making it more difficult than it should have been. I put on another CD and sat down to smoke.

I melted the material onto the screen and then moved the lighter down to vaporize it. As I have mentioned, smoking MeO is not the easiest thing in the world and there is a lot of room for error. This time, error prevailed. I waited a second too long to lower the lighter flame and most of the MeO went down the stem of the pipe. I tried to get at it, but succeeded only in chasing it further down the stem. The small amount I'd managed to inhale only caused a sensation of pressure in my head and a slight intensification of the after effects from my previous dose.

After a few minutes I was nearly back to baseline. I cleaned up my things and continued getting ready for work. The experience was pleasant but not particularly interesting or useful. It's unfortunate that I was unable to effectively smoke my second dose, since it would likely have propelled me into the deeper realms of experience I was seeking.

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