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All References with Titles containing 'Chen_F' OR with Authors including 'Chen_F' OR with Abstract including 'Chen_F' OR with Keywords including 'Chen_F'

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Schmidt J Die Beeinflussung einer bedingten motorischen Fluchtreaktion der Ratte... Acta biol. med. germ... 1963
Fuxe K, Hökfelt T Nachweis psychopharmakabedingter Veränderungen in zentralen Monoaminne... Triangel 1971
Mehl E, Guiard L Physiological Ligands of Putative LSD-Serotonin Receptors: Heterogenei... Hoppe-Seylers Z. phy... 1978
McGregor IS, Clemens KJ, ... Increased Anxiety 3 Months after Brief Exposure to MDMA ('Ecstasy') in... Neuropsychopharmacol... 2003
Daveluy A, Géniaux H, Eid... Illicit drugs or medicines taken by parachuting Fundam Clin Pharmaco... 2015