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The Flow
Salvia divinorum (60x extract)
by zec
Citation:   zec. "The Flow: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (60x extract) (exp99716)". Jan 20, 2020.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
It has been 5 months since my last trip. It took time to think about it and it will keep taking time since its all about life, the universe and everything.

First of all I think salvia is something different. Different then any other drug we know. I believe that we should research it deeply but understanding the effects on brain is still faraway from us. Especially when we consider that how much do we really know about the brain.

I consumed 60x salvia extract. Inhaled almost 2 gr with a big bong. Couldn't make it in one-shot and when I took the second shot it was already affecting me. Was pulling me to the other side. First I felt that millions of little pinpricks were pulling my flesh then sucked my soul from my body and there was darkness first where the place that I went...

My trip took 20 mins. I wasnt here in this reality for 20 mins. I dont exactly remember first 10 minute of my trip. According to my friend, I got up, went to door while continuously saying 'it's making nonsense' I had tried to go out but my friend held me and returned me to the couch.
I had tried to go out but my friend held me and returned me to the couch.
Then the part that I remember started...

There was a flow, existed from every creature that live and lived in this universe. Unconscious, without memories, without ego just as a core of their being. They were all flowing together. It was really crowded and there were no empty spot on that flow. Every one of them was pressed to each other and I was flowing with them. I had no idea about my current existence. I was just my core, one of them, a piece of flow, a cell of something.

There were powerful beings. They were taking care of the flow and that flow was supplying everything to the different realities. I am not religious. I always think god is not conscious. We all are creating the god. The universe, energy, us, everything that exist is a part of the god. Well this trip on the other hand provided that yes we are all could be the part of god. Maybe our cores are the cells of god but what are those powerful beings in that flow then!

I felt that everything in this universe and in other parallel universes and in time was sending from there. From the flow to here and there and every possible reality that exist. Randomly. Yes randomly! They were sending us randomly! Everything was random since you dont have any speciality except being a core and flowing with others. Was it purgatory?

Near to end of my trip while still I was on flow, current reality started to distract me. I have seen my friend. I hold his arm and tried to pull him to the flow. How could he dare to run away from the flow. He shouldnt disturb the order! What if they had seen us. I was barely hiding myself. If they had knew I was alive and coming from one of those realities. It would have been disaster! I did my best to act like one of them and observe but I had to come back. I fought with it coz since the beginning it was puling me there. The last moment I was sitting on the couch, turned my head to the curtain behind that couch, open the curtain and I saw myself sitting on the couch, opening the curtain within myself sittinf on the couch opening the curtain within myself opening the couch and so on. It was at the last moment of the trip that everything about time, space and parallel universes besieged my mind.
It was at the last moment of the trip that everything about time, space and parallel universes besieged my mind.
I wasnt sure about that I am in my own probability, own reality. It took time to get rid of those thoughts and feelings.

You could say 'Its just a trip why are you taking it so seriously. It has nothing to do with god or universe or reality'. It cant be my mind's tricks. I cant imagine or feel something like that in my own and I have couple of friends who experienced similar things and I cant experience this with normal dosages. I was taking normal dosages before this killer dosage and salvia was meaningless for me. It was just another perception altering, psychedelic drug but after this trip I thought a lot. I researched it. I had long conversations with friends who had similar trips (not so many as we can expect). There is something weird on that plant. Something divine and I don't want to believe that divine part. How ridiculous it is and possible at the same time and I always suspect that the answer could be so absurd but not that much. It scares me!

There is another side effect on salvia, I could feel like I was a part of a material in this world. I experienced this near my return to this reality. First I was a part of couch then my arm was a bong. I believe this side effect is a trick of my mind. Its trying to adapt to this reality. And creating this kind of weird problems. I was out of my body somehow and returned back.

Flashbacks did happen and one of them was really powerful. Thought LSD triggered that off but 3 months later nothing left except my thoughts and questions.

There is still more to tell but it's really hard to explain. Even hard to think about it since our brain is not enough to understand or is it creating this or is there something hiding in that plant? We need to research it. We need to know more. I need to know more but its not an easy task. That high dosage experience was no fun.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99716
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jan 20, 2020Views: 556
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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