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Flow like Water
LSD & Various
Citation:   Psychonaut. "Flow like Water: An Experience with LSD & Various (exp71410)". Erowid.org. Feb 2, 2009. erowid.org/exp/71410

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    oral Cannabis (tea)
    oral Cacti - Mescaline-containing (tea)
    oral Syrian Rue (tea)
    smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
    oral Mimosa tenuiflora (extract)
First, I shall give you some relevant background information before I go on and tell you about this 2 day experience. I've been using psychedelics for about 2 years now, it is one of my passions to explore our alternate consciousness and senses through psychedelics, and meditation. All the substances I consumed in this experience were self-extracted (mescaline, DMT, harmala) self-synthesized (LSD), and homegrown (cannabis, mushrooms) with the exception of the Salvia which was purchased.

7AM: I take a liquid drop of 300 micrograms of LSD, just relaxing in my home looking out onto the lake from my terrace. 10 minutes in I start feeling the normal anxiousness on the come up from the acid. I decide to meditate for a few minutes. I felt very sedated while meditating, very lucid feeling. I felt a warm sensation running through my nerves, feeling my body loosen up and become like water. I come out of the meditation feeling clear. This must of been 25 minutes after I dropped the L. I began to chew some of my shrooms, enjoying the taste I weigh 3.5 grams of caps and within 10 minutes I finish them. I sit down on my lazy boy, preparing to roll a blunt.

Once I sit, I feel a very hazy daze fall over my muscles, soothing is the best way I can describe it. I crush up .5 grams of high quality exotics. While rolling I can already see the effects of the acid, my fingers began seemed to be inflating and deflating, as if they were breathing. Laughing at this I like down the blunt and begin to walk outside.

7:45am: A cloudy day, the wind is welcoming as I day stroll around in the woods, the trees especially caught my attention, feeling very grateful and drawing energy from the things around me. I smoke by the lake, the THC gives a powerful relaxing sensation upon each inhale, 10 minutes into the blunt I see the cherry whirling. The flame was coming off very potent, and upon each pull the cherry would gain more energy and light, as if it is giving me a sign. 15 minutes I finish off and I go back in my house. Upon entering the LSD snuck up out of nowhere, small geometric particles were bouncing around, full of energy, giving off many colors and the same time none, everything and nothing.

9:00am: The visuals start to sway me, everything was flowing in me and I was apart of everything around me. I close my eyes, and begin to focus on nothingness. Thoughts coming zooming inside my head and instantly answers to those questions arrive.

9:30am: I begin preparing my mescaline & harmala tea. The mescaline was in the fridge for the 15 hours for the solution, I take it out and begin to boil it, then draining it several times. I then pour the mescaline into a glass with hot water. I cook the harmala extract from the rue. After it bubbled I boil then drain it several times and add it to the mescaline solution already in the cup.

10:20am: I finish the tea which was bitter beyond bitter, yet I feel no nausea thus far. I'm tripping face at this point, the mushroom has took its effect and it is apparent. It feels as if my senses were given steroids, my whole house seems like a cartoon and I can not stop laughing, everything is just is, everything is good and everything exists.

11:00am: I take a giant hit of 20 extract salvia, and I feel the chaotic warping of salvia undertake me almost instantly. Everything seems like a river, I am the hawk that flies isolated high above, observing, just moving, breathing and functioning. For 20 minutes it was an intense warp of flipping through different dimensions and realities, at this point my mind was detached from my body, I started to see an octopus with the delta symbol as its one eye and instead of its suction cups on its tentacles, there were 1000's of exploding light sparks and each spark would emit violent shades of crimson and indigo and as each light would die I would see a glimpse of Bill O'Reilly getting be beaten, tortured, or raped, the situations were different for every other mass of light.

1:15pm: To stand at this point was a strenuous effort, but nonetheless I arise and pack my self a .4 monster gravity bong hit, I light it and let the smoke infiltrate my lungs, holding in this giant hit aroused a series of visuals and sensation. Upon exhale everything seemed to just stop slow, I breathe deep and the air invades into my cells all through my body, I could imagine this is how it would feel like if an addict hasn't had a fix of skag in 3 days, and finally getting that shoot, except there were no brutal withdrawal symptoms. I take another hit and at the same moment someone calls my cellphone, I don't bother picking up, couldn't care enough to communicate right now.

5:00pm: I awake from my nap, and the dream I just had was life changing, to go about and explain it would be inappropriate and time consuming. Nonetheless I'm still out of my mind, I slowly rise and I see bursts of geometric patterns taking forms of these bizarre pyramids and everything around me is green, I can't see anything except for these fucking crazy ass pyramids and green shit. Half hour I locate my DMT (extracted from Mimosa root bark), the climax of this soul searching experience.

5:40pm: I weigh out the Off white diamond like crystals to a hit of 70 mg, I sprinkle it one the bottom of my bowl and I pack a small nugget of some high quality weed. I inhale a full deep breathe, clearing everything. The taste was an interesting blend of a musk seramic taste and herbs but certainly not unpleasant. I hold it in for about 10 seconds and exhale fully.

Tidal wave
Tidal wave

I plunge head first into an ocean of electric clouds, I imagine it within and the touch feels like ecstasy, I am completely fucking overwhelmed. I see a snake aura swirling in my veins drawing the energy from me. I lye down on my bed and close my eyes, I am detached from my body as I drift deeper into my consciousness. I begin to see explosions of impossible colors, explosions so dense with energy. I'm mesmerized, my nerves are acting like a massive super red giant in the final stages of its life, inflating then deflating until it erupts into a supernova.

I Erupt.

My stardust fly across my mind like wind in a hurricane. Immense visions of forests, life and the sun blend into a single entity, it is calling for me, it appears to be a praying mantis in the distance and as I come closer it is indeed a praying mantis, sitting, waiting, patience. It signals me to let go, to free yourself.

Those words catch fire in my mind: Free yourself.

9:30pm: My body is sore, my mind is in a thick haze, a pleasant one though, everything is still, it resembles a slight hangover though. The acid has lingered off except for the occasional trail amongst objects.

10:00pm: I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water, upon drinking the glass I pass out.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71410
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2009Views: 1,805
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Cacti - columnar (10), Mimosa tenuiflora (74), LSD (2), Mushrooms (39), Syrian Rue (45) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), General (1)

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