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Erowid Search Results for: oxycodone (new 2022 march 29)

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Displaying Results 91 to 120 of 235

Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Pleasant Floaty Float Float - 10139
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Pleasant Floaty Float Float' by BL
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - The Sandman In The Land Of Nod - 11779
An experience with Oxycodone. 'The Sandman In The Land Of Nod' by Sandman
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone & Heroin - Not Changed Forever? - 25607
An experience with Oxycodone & Heroin. 'Not Changed Forever?' by Anonymous
Ask Erowid : ID 2999 : Is Oxycodone detected with a standard Opiate drug test?
Ask Erowid Question and Answer: Is Oxycodone detected with a standard Opiate drug test?
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - I Almost Let It Ruin My Life - 49521
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'I Almost Let It Ruin My Life' by Doonish
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Get This Monkey Off My Back - 55527
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Get This Monkey Off My Back' by Slaz
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Never Want to Leave That Spot - 9826
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Never Want to Leave That Spot' by Neato
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - How It Almost Ruined My Life - 55704
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'How It Almost Ruined My Life' by Andy
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Oxycodone Reports in category: Preparation / Recipes
A list of experiences with Pharms - Oxycodone in category Preparation / Recipes
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Oxycodone Reports in category: Health Benefits
A list of experiences with Pharms - Oxycodone in category Health Benefits
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Oxycodone Reports in category: Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
A list of experiences with Pharms - Oxycodone in category Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Music to My Ears - 52798
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Music to My Ears' by ShadyCat4Sure
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - The Addiction to Heaven - 18084
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'The Addiction to Heaven' by Lethargy
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Percocet/Oxycontin) - Best Drug in the World - 72041
An experience with Oxycodone (Percocet/Oxycontin). 'Best Drug in the World' by Descartes
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone & Cannabis - Happcodone - 31790
An experience with Oxycodone & Cannabis. 'Happcodone' by Nor-T
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen) - Beautiful World - 15401
An experience with Oxycodone (with Acetaminophen). 'Beautiful World' by cliqhopper
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - Breakthrough Pain Leads to Withdrawal - 42399
An experience with Oxycodone. 'Breakthrough Pain Leads to Withdrawal' by Namewitheldbyrequest
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - Just Very Sick and Unpleasant - 20054
An experience with Oxycodone. 'Just Very Sick and Unpleasant' by NotEvenOnce
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone & Methylphenidate - Inside High - 13586
An experience with Oxycodone & Methylphenidate. 'Inside High' by Wrathful
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Found Them on the ground - 39231
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Found Them on the ground' by Llamanose
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - Lack of Pain is My Euphoria - 58052
An experience with Oxycodone. 'Lack of Pain is My Euphoria' by Katie_okell
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - My Pain and Addiction - 38513
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'My Pain and Addiction' by Zach
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone - Take This Oxy and Shove It - 26458
An experience with Oxycodone. 'Take This Oxy and Shove It' by VreeZpeerit
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - Stronger Than I Thought - 10852
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'Stronger Than I Thought' by AnonymousMan
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone & Amphetamines - Horrible Experience - 55047
An experience with Oxycodone & Amphetamines. 'Horrible Experience' by Vomiter
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Percocet) - Thin Line Between Love & Hate - 42814
An experience with Oxycodone (Percocet). 'Thin Line Between Love & Hate' by Swanny
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone, Oxycontin - These Little Pills Pack Quite the Punch - 70554
An experience with Oxycodone, Oxycontin. 'These Little Pills Pack Quite the Punch' by Mykal
Experience Vaults: Oxycodone (Oxycontin) - The Highs and Lows - 43668
An experience with Oxycodone (Oxycontin). 'The Highs and Lows' by Avgcollegekid
Experience Vaults: Hydrocodone & Oxycodone - Introspection and Reflection on Narcotics - 35456
An experience with Hydrocodone & Oxycodone. 'Introspection and Reflection on Narcotics' by TheS
Experience Vaults: Pharms - Oxycodone - Not Something to Play Around With - 66654
An experience with Pharms - Oxycodone. 'Not Something to Play Around With' by anonymous

Displaying Results 91 to 120 of 235