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Gever MA, Dawsey WJ, Mandell AJ. 
“Fading: A New Cytofluorimetric Measure Quantifying Serotonin in the Presence of Cacholamines at the Cellular Level in Brain”. 
J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther.. 1978;207(2):650-67.
A new method for quantification of brain serotonin in the presence of catecholamines is reported. Methods Male Sprague Dawley rats (125-175 g) received pargyline (P. 25,50 or 100 mg/kg, i.p.) (Abbott), LSD (75,150 mcg/kg, s.c.), 2-bromo-LSD (75 or 200 mcg/kg, s.c.), chlorimipramine (C, 20 mg/kg, s.c., CIBA-Geigy), desmethylimipramine (D, 20 mg/kg, i.p., Lakeside), fluoxetine (F. 10 mg/kg, i.p.) (Lilly) or fenfluramine (FF, 40 mg/kg, i.p. with or without P pretreatment) (Robins) at 60 or 75 min before sacrifice. 5-HT concentration in brain tissue was determined using a computerized microspectrofluorimeter and by conventional fluorimetry. Model droplet experiments were performed using droplets containing known amounts of 5-HT creatinine sulfate (SigmaChem.) and/or norepinephrine (N. Sigma-Chem.). Fluorescence fading in the model droplet experiments reliably detected changes in 5-HT concentration with and without N. After administration of P there was a correlation (0.927) between the intraperikaryal fading measure and standard fluorimetric assay results. LSD and P (25 mg/kg) increased intraperikaryal 5-HT without altering extraperikaryal fluorescence while F had the opposite effect and C increased both extra- and intraperikaryal 5-HT. FF reduced the fading measure in all regions but D had no significant effect on any measures. The utility of cytofluorimetric measures of 5-HT is confirmed and intra- and extracellular concentrations of 5-HT can be differentiated.
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